LaRouche Comments on Hillary Clinton's Penn Speech: `Howard Dean Has Not Improved Since the 2004 Iowa Caucus'
March 25, 2008 (EIRNS)—This release was issued yesterday by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
Lyndon LaRouche today commissioned the publication of a summary of Hillary Clinton's speech, delivered this afternoon at the University of Pennsylvania. The summary is not intended as an endorsement of Hillary Clinton, but as a public service, in light of growing voter disgust at the paucity of qualified candidates for this year's vital Presidential election. As both the strengths and weaknesses of Senator Clinton's comments on the onrushing economic crisis indicate, she is the closest approximation to a candidate who is actually saying something of substance about this grave matter. LaRouche compared Hillary Clinton's speech to the role being played by Sen. Barack Obama, who appears content to play the role of an expendable tool of some in the Democratic Party leadership, who intend to use him to destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton—and then sit back and watch as the British tear Obama down.
LaRouche voiced his disgust at those Democratic Party bosses who are playing Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as one would play a pinball machine. LaRouche singled out Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean, and his Florida election fraud. The Florida primary election, which was won by Hillary Clinton, by a wide margin over Barack Obama, was fully legal. The government of the State of Florida voted for the primaries of both parties to occur on the specified date. Voters turned out for the Democratic primary more massively than in any previous primary election. The election was carried out legally—despite the clown antics of Dean, and others, like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Once you understand what happened in Florida, LaRouche concluded, you understand where the whole election process stands. There was intentional fraud by the Democratic Party leadership, and the Florida fraud was part of a larger scheme to use Barack Obama to kill Hillary Clinton's candidacy—and then sit back and watch the dumping of Obama, via an operation run from London.
LaRouche then turned to the Clinton speech at Penn, observing that one must look at her statements from the standpoint of the relevance of the issues she addressed, and the response she offered, regardless of whether or not her proposals are actually feasible or address the full magnitude of the crisis.
Her remarks must be considered in the context of the fakery of Dean, Pelosi, and others, who are crippling the campaign, through actions like those taken by Dean to nullify the legally conducted primary in Florida. Dean's behavior in the Florida case is unconscionable. His attempt to outlaw the Florida election is a complete fraud. Howard Dean, LaRouche concluded, has not improved one iota, since his performance in 2004 in the Iowa caucuses.
Senator Clinton's Speech at Penn
Senator Clinton's speech at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, earlier today, was devoted exclusively to the financial and economic crisis, largely centered on the mortgage crisis, and her specific proposals for dealing with it. Senator Clinton attacked the Bush Administration and the Federal Reserve for jumping in with a $30 billion bailout of Bear Stearns, while nothing has been done to help homeowners facing foreclosure. Senator Clinton identified the banking crisis, and the impact that the dry-up of credit has had on families and businesses all over the country.
Senator Clinton identified the tens of millions of families who have been hit with foreclosure notices and losses of value in their homes, the blighting of neighborhoods, and the loss of tax revenues that have created severe debt crises for cities and states. She repeated her call for a 90-day moratorium on all subprime foreclosures and a voluntary five-year freeze on interest rates for all subprime mortgages, slamming the Bush Administration for doing nothing—except cut taxes for the upper 1%.
Clinton next called for the implementation of the Frank-Dodd bill, that would involve the Federal government in restructuring the mortgage markets. However, she acknowledged that the measures proposed might not be sufficient. Therefore, she called for the creation of an "emergency working group on foreclosures," to involve a "distinguished nonpartisan group," made up of people like Robert Rubin, Paul Volcker, and Alan Greenspan.
Senator Clinton concluded her speech by invoking the late President Franklin Roosevelt, and calling for prompt action, around solutions for the crisis.