LaRouche Assessment:
Honest Tally Would Show Clinton Won May 6 Primaries
May 10, 2008 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
Lyndon LaRouche declared today that, in his opinion, an honest tally of the votes actually cast in the May 6, 2008 Indiana and North Carolina primaries, would have revealed that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won Indiana by a margin of at least 10 percent of the vote, and that she also won the North Carolina primary by a slim margin.
LaRouche elaborated, "I have received reports that strongly indicate that the recorded vote results in both North Carolina and Indiana were fraudulent." LaRouche added, "The thuggery that has been directed against the Clintons stinks. It is coming from the top-down, way above the Obama campaign and even way above the Karl Rove apparatus, which has certainly had a hand in the crimes committed."
LaRouche added that a further complication in assessing the North Carolina vote was the reported massive voter turnout for Obama in the Raleigh-Durham "research triangle" area, dominated by 18-25 year old university students, many of whom have had their brains "scrambled" by the MySpace/Facebook brainwashing. "Some of these My Space zombies have no idea what they are doing," LaRouche explained. "Some extreme cases are very similar to the video-game addicted mass killers. There are some real 'no brainer' cases out there, and this further complicates any assessment of what actually happened in that part of North Carolina on Tuesday last."