Hillary Responds to Global Food Crisis at S.D. Farm Rally
May 16, 2008 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
Some 600 people attending a rally on Dennis Jones's farm in Bath, South Dakota applauded Hillary Clinton's answer when a LaRouche Food for Peace activist asked her about Helga Zepp LaRouche's call to double world food production.
"The South Dakota primary on June 3 is a very important day for you and for our nation. It is also a crucial day world wide because of the FAO meeting in Rome." When he mentioned the FAO meeting, Senator Clinton began nodding. He continued, "Helga Zepp LaRouche of the Schiller Institute has put out a call world wide, in the face of a billion people facing starvation, that the FAO agenda must be to double food production."
Hillary answered seriously and in depth saying, "This is a real emergency! There is a need to increase food production." She asked the organizer if hed ever been to Haiti, and said that in Haiti "agriculture has been decimated. The soil has been depleted. The trees are gone." She said that American farmers can help feed the world and also help countries like Haiti develop their agriculture again and become food self sufficient.
Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized that one exemplary case where food production can be rapidly increased to strengthen national self-sufficiency, is Mexico's PLHINO project, the Northwest Hydraulic Plan, which can open up nearly a million hectares of new farming land, and employ some of the millions of Mexicans now being driven out of the U.S. The Pro PLHINO Committee in Mexico's northwest, including LaRouche organizers and leading regional trade union and peasant leaders, held a press conference on May 13 in front of the regional Sonora offices of the government's National Water Commission (CONAGUA), demanding that $3-7 million dollars in congressionally allocated funds be used to conduct an actual economic feasibility study of the PLHINO, as mandated by Congress, and not for a CONAGUA "environmental impact" study whose intent would be to sabotage the project.
At the South Dakota farm rally with Senator Clinton, various questions were raised outlining the crises that farmers are facing on their farms and in their communities. The rally was an hour-long question and answer session on policy issues, including health care, Iraq, and energy, as well as agriculture.
One young man suggested that Hillary ought to choose him as her vice presidential running mate, since she's reaching out to the blue collar workers and he's been a blue collar worker all his life. She responded, "Well, you'd be better than the guy in there now," and the crowd began chanting, "Anyone but Cheney."