LaRouche Demands
New Pecora Commission
To Probe Wall Street Financial Crimes
Jan. 13, 2009 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
Lyndon LaRouche today reiterated his call for the Congress to convene a "new Pecora Commission" to probe the criminal activities of key Wall Street figures. LaRouche emphasized that the case of Bernard Madoff underscores the fact that "numerous U.S. laws have been violated. Crimes of a very serious magnitude have been committed. The American people have the right to know the depth and breadth of the criminal abuses that have been perpetrated by the very bankers, investors, and regulators who they entrust with their savings and retirement funds."
LaRouche concluded, Congress has the responsibility to seriously probe the underlying causes of this, the greatest financial catastrophe in modern history. "Once Congress has cast the proper spotlight on the characters and actions behind this calamity, it will be the job of the U.S. Department of Justice and other enforcement agencies, to determine the proper action. I suspect," LaRouche concluded, "that an effective Congressional probe, on the scale of the original Pecora Commission investigation of 1933-1934, will not only inform a new regulatory system, but will result in some of the leading Wall Street culprits spending considerable time behind bars. The American people, deserve nothing less than an honest, thorough investigation, and the full weight of the law, directed against those found to have committed crimes. The principle of equality under the law must prevail."