McCaffrey Blasts Dope Legalizers,
Calls for U.S.-Mexico Collaboration
Feb. 14, 2009 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
Former Clinton Administration Drug Czar Gen. Barry McCaffrey (USA-ret.) delivered a no-holds-barred attack on the George Soros-funded dope legalization lobby, at a speaking engagement at the Heritage Foundation in Washington today. The focus of McCaffrey's presentation was the drug cartel crisis in Mexico, which McCaffrey defined as a crisis in both Mexico and the United States. Mindful of the fact that he was speaking at one of the leading neo-con/right-wing think tanks in Washington, General McCaffrey went out of his way to present himself as a "true friend of Mexico," warning explicitly against any violations of Mexican sovereignty, praising the role of Mexican workers—including "illegals" in the U.S. economy—and directly attacking those who stir up anti-Mexican sentiments for political gains in the United States.
While General McCaffrey did not offer any detailed proposals for how the United States should help the Mexican government to defeat the drug cartels, he presented a stark picture, from his recent fact-finding trip to Mexico, of how the drug crisis has impacted both the United States and Mexico. McCaffrey slammed the Bush Administration for failing to adequately fund and staff the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Border Patrol, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the Coast Guard, and other agencies responsible for blocking the flow of South American cocaine, marijuana, and heroin into the United States, and American manufactured military-grade weapons into Mexico.
During the question-and-answer period, it became immediately clear that the audience had been stacked with George Soros agents, from the alphabet soup of front groups, all pushing dope legalization. At least two questioners identified themselves as with Soros-funded groups: LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) and Marijuana Policy Project; and a third questioner who simply identified himself as a medical doctor, pushed legalization as the solution. McCaffrey was ruthless in tearing apart the legalization arguments, starting out with the flat-out statement that drugs will never be legalized in the United States, because the majority of Americans know it is a "devastatingly bad idea." He denounced Canada and the Netherlands by name for their soft-on-legalization policies, and also noted that Venezuela has become a major trans-shipment point for South American cocaine, routed to Western Europe. At one point, obviously frustrated that the question-and-answer period had been partly hijacked by the dope legalizers, McCaffrey responded to a question about medical marijuana, by asserting that, if doctors feel there is some legitimate medical use for marijuana, drug manufacturers should develop a THC suppository—instead of simply allowing marijuana cultivation.