LaRouche Outlines Health Program:
Build on Conyers' Approach
Jan. 18, 2010 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
In discussion with colleagues Jan. 16, Lyndon LaRouche outlined the parameters of the health care program which must be adopted, following the dumping of Obama's deathcare policy.
Let's take the case of health care: You recognize that the whole health-care system is corrupt beyond belief, and it's corrupt because of the role of the insurance companies, a role of insurance companies which is typified by the very specific role of AIG.
Now, as long as AIG, and the insurance companies have control over the health-care policies of the United States, there's very little chance of a decent health-care policy for the United States, unless we decide to go back to the Hill-Burton system, and the mechanism we would probably use for this purpose, is the legislation being pushed by Representative Conyers from Michigan. Because the Conyers approach to funding, would be exactly the kind of funding we require to reactivate a Hill-Burton system, and to eliminate the present HMO system. In other words, the present HMO system is going to kill you right now. And an HMO system allowing something like AIG, or the policies of AIG, or the policies of the Obama Administration, will kill you—and kill you in vast numbers!
Therefore, the way to do this thing, is get that off the table! The HMO system is to be canceled, and replaced immediately by a return to a Hill-Burton design of system, with a funding mechanism, by the Federal government, which will be the funding to reestablish the Hill-Burton standard, for hospitals and other institutions as they stand now. In other words, as each institution stands now, immediately they're going into protection under a Hill-Burton program, for all related institutions, and the funding for that, will come through a "single-payer program," shall we say, which the Conyers bill is a good keystone around which to build this result. That's a practical matter: It can work. It will work.
But we must realize: Don't try to make the insurance system better. Where people have private insurance, fine. That's fine, it worked before, under the Hill-Burton system. We had the various health-care schemes, paid schemes, into which people bought, and they would buy into it, but they'd be part of the Hill-Burton system. We need the same kind of thing today.
So, the insurance companies go out of the health-care business! Except for these privately chosen programs, which are a voluntary choice of a group of people, or an individual. But otherwise, the general guarantee, of a health-care system is provided as a Federal responsibility, under a Hill-Burton precedent as the model."