Why Obama Must Be Impeached
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Feb. 3, 2010 (EIRNS)—This release by Lyndon LaRouche was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
President Barack Obama's stated intention, to shut down and destroy the NASA program at its root, when added to the Hitler-like health-care policy, and the general, destructive features of all other leading Obama policies, is one step too far to bear. There is no longer room on this planet for a United States and a President Obama to occupy the same space.
The need for Obama's ouster, either by resignation or impeachment is now an existential issue for both our republic and the welfare of the planet generally.
Since the founding of our republic, the existence of our nation has depended upon surges of science-driven and related increases of the productive powers of labor, per capita, and per square kilometer of our territory. Now, especially since the reign of former President George W. Bush, Jr., and now that of Obama, the very means, of science and technology, by which the existence of our republic had formerly prospered, has been destroyed, step, by step. Our industries have gone, the security of our food supplies has been undermined, and now the last bastion of the means of technological progress, the space program, is scheduled for obliteration.
Simply, the time has come, that President Obama must go, either by his own choice, or ours. The intention of our Federal Constitution demands this.