LaRouche: Look to British Intelligence
Behind the Moscow Bombings
March 29, 2010 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
The bloody attacks on the Moscow subway system today, which have killed 38 and injured over 100 people, led Lyndon LaRouche to make the following statement:
Based on the facts presented, from what we believe to be competent sources, this is a threat to the Russian people, in order to demonstrate that the Russian government cannot protect the people. It's an attempt to discredit the Russian government, and show its vulnerability. I am looking at complicity, behind the scenes, by British intelligence.
"This is not a couple of loose nuts," LaRouche added. "This action has a mission orientation. That mission is to discredit the government's ability to provide security, and it is particularly aimed at Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways."
LaRouche also noted that the event occurred in the context of the just-concluded U.S.-Russian arms control agreement.
The Facts As Presented
Preliminary reports, as confirmed by Russian media, are that there were two rush-hour bombings of the Moscow subway system this morning, allegedly by suicide bombers. While no confirmed claims of responsibility have been made, security services are pointing to the perpetrators being terrorist groups with connections to the North Caucasus region, who have previously deployed suicide bombers, and are among the suspects in the high-profile bombing of the Moscow-St. Petersburg Nevsky Express train in November 2009.
The guerrillas operating in Chechnya, in Dagestan, and throughout Russia's North Caucasus have a known profile of sponsorship by British intelligence sources, including collaboration with the Saudi Wahhabite sect, and have been consistently exposed as such by EIR magazine.
The immediate response by President Dmitri Medvedev was to identify the fact that attacks such as these were planned in such a way as to maximize damage and to "achieve a destabilization of the country and society." He, and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who was traveling in Siberia, emphasized, during emergency meetings held today, their determination to pursue the terrorists relentlessly.