Obama White House, DNC
In Suicide Pact To Oust Rangel
July 28, 2010 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
According to a senior Washington, D.C. source, the Obama White House, in league with the DNC and House Democratic leaders, are going berserk to force Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), one of the last of the FDR Democrats left in Congress, to resign. The gang-up strategy to oust Rangel is a three-pronged effort:
- Continue to pressure the former Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee to withdraw from the Sept. 14 primary and step down at the end of his term;
- Pour huge amounts of money into the campaign of his rival, Adam Clayton Powell III, to defeat Rangel in the primary;
- Convict him in the Ethics trial, scheduled for mid-September, with a massive Democratic betrayal of the 20-term Representative (a 2/3 majority vote is required to convict him), and force his resignation.
The source noted, however, that this strategy could be suicidal for the Democratic Party, and especially for President Obama. The Shirley Sherrod scandal has triggered such a backlash against Obama within the civil rights movement and among African-American voters, that there is already a rush of support, in the past 48 hours, for Rangel. The Obama White House bungling of the Sherrod firing was, according to the source, the most blatant racist act by any American President since Woodrow Wilson. This has caused a tremendous rift between Obama and the elders of the civil rights movement, who, in turn, exert significant influence over the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). The Caucus has been targeted by Speaker Pelosi, who is trying to get the CBC to betray Rangel. But, indicative of the shift over the past 48 hours was the letter, issued by Barbara Lee, Caucus Chairwoman, on Monday evening, defending Rangel.
Furthermore, the source emphasized that the African-American community is not the only group of core Democratic voters who are abandoning Obama in droves. The Obama misleadership in the BP Gulf oil spill "has truly become Obama's Katrina." And even the crazy environmentalists, who make up another crucial Obama voter bloc, are furious that the President didn't do more to salvage the cap-and-trade bill, which has been taken off the Senate agenda. Indicative of Obama's crash is today's Rasmussen Report Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, which showed that 45 percent of the likely voters polled are strongly opposed to Obama's performance, while only 25 percent are strongly in favor of his performance, for an index of -20.