No Statistical Pattern, But a Lot of Hate!
Nov. 3, 2010 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
While it would be premature today, to try to draw conclusions from yesterday's vote, there is one pattern which is clear, which is, that there are no statistical patterns which can be drawn. This is not merely a jab at the practice of the incompetent pundits who proliferate on television, who are always looking for mathematical correlations. It is, instead, recognizing that voting patterns are skewed by the fact that neither of the leading issues of the day — the insanity of the current U.S. President, nor the total breakdown of the financial system — were debated in the campaigns, with the exception of the campaigns of the three LaRouche candidates, and therefore, the results reflect something more simple.
As Lyndon LaRouche put it, the voters cast their ballots for the candidates they hated less!
A quick look at the vote in the three largest U.S. states makes that clear. The results in Texas show a near-total blowout of all Democratic candidates. On the statewide level, every contested elected position was won by Republicans, while the Democrats lost two Congressional seats, with incumbents Chet Edwards and Ciro Rodriguez losing to much lesser-known opponents. There were some Democratic U.S. Reps who won re-election, but they were in safe districts.
This outcome was foretold by several leading Texas Democrats, who lamented that the hatred of Obama among Texans guaranteed a wipe- out for the Party. One said that the Democratic candidate for Governor, Bill White, was doomed by Obama, who was an albatross around his neck, even though White made sure he was on the other side of the state when Obama came to Texas. With Obama polling in the low thirties in the state, and with Hispanic Democrats angry at what they consider his betrayal on immigration, the Get Out the Vote drive was lacking in both numbers and passion, and the party suffered a huge loss.
In California, it was hatred of incumbent Governor and son-of-a-Nazi Schwarzenegger that allowed two Democrats to win as Governor and Senator. Despite a complete lack of ideas to deal with the total bankruptcy of the state, former Governor Jerry Brown won, by tying his opponent, former eBay CEO and billionaire Meg Whitman, to Arnie. The anti-Arnie sentiment carried over to the Senate race, as Democrat Barbara Boxer held onto her seat, defeating former Hewlitt-Packard CEO Carli Fiorina, who was the GOP nominee. A leading Democratic Party operative said that, while the Schwarzenegger connection was decisive in bringing out the hatred for the GOP candidates, it didn't help them that they were both wealthy former CEOs, both spent huge amounts of personal funds for the campaigns (Whitman spent more than $160 million of her own money), and both called for less government, in a state where government has been bankrupted, by Arnie's deliberate destruction of state government, and government services have been cut to the bone due to huge annual budget deficits.
In New York state, the three leading candidates, Andrew Cuomo for Governor, and Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, all Democrats, won, in this case largely due to a sense of positive potential, especially from Cuomo, who is known for his continuous investigations, as state Attorney General, into the corrupt practices of Wall Street swindlers.