The British Assassinated Yet Another
U.S. President, John F. Kennedy,
47 Years Ago Today
Nov. 22, 2010 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
Forty-seven years ago today, on November 22, 1963, the British assassinated yet another great American President, John F. Kennedy. The Kennedy assassination, and the British-run coverup by the Warren Commission began the British drive for the final destruction of the United States, a process that is now nearing the endgame moment.
There are, today, few facets of the Kennedy assassination and coverup that remain a mystery. The motives, the authorship, and even the pedigree of the assassination team, has been widely exposed, although only a small portion of even the American people know the truth. It is a fitting commemoration to the legacy of JFK that the book Dope, Inc., commissioned by Lyndon LaRouche, is once again in print. It was in the pages of Dope, Inc. that the true nature of the British assassination, through the British intelligence front company Permindex, was first spelled out in detail, although New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison had prosecuted one of the key conspirators, Clay Shaw, in 1967, and came close to blowing apart the whole assassination cabal at that time.
John Kennedy was assassinated, first and foremost, because he fully accepted the wise advice of Gen. Douglas MacArthur and former President Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, to never get involved in a land war in Asia. Kennedy was pulling the American troops out of Indochina, after having confronted and stared down the Wall Street steel barons. He was a President, potentially in the mold of FDR, and for those reasons, the British Crown determined that he must die. A British intelligence front company, headquartered in Montreal, Canada, was the instrument through which Spain-based French assassins, who were simultaneously targeting such European leaders as French President, Gen. Charles de Gaulle and Italian oil industrialist Enrico Mattei, were dispatched to Mexico to stage the JFK assassination in Dallas, Texas. The three-man assassins' team crossed from Mexico into Texas, carried out the assassination and fled back across the border. Patsy Lee Harvey Oswald was assassinated, before millions of Americans staring at their TV screens in shock, the next day. The Warren Commission, led by Allen Dulles and John J. McCloy, covered up the British trail, and further terrified two generations of Americans with the flagrant lies.
New Orleans DA Garrison, upon reading the 26-volume Warren Commission report, concluded that he was obliged to pursue leads that had been ignored or covered up by the Warren Commission, and launched an investigation into the New Orleans nexus of Permindex operatives, who had been involved in the staging of the hit, including the setting up of the designated patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald. Garrison ultimately indicted New Orleans businessmen and raving Anglophile Clay Shaw for the murder conspiracy against JFK, a trial documented in Garrison's later book-length account of his investigation, On the Trail of the Assassins. Through extensive interference in the Garrison case, including a trail of murders of key witnesses, Shaw was acquitted—barely.
Jim Garrison would later praise Dope, Inc. as the most accurate account of his investigation and conclusions about the JFK assassination. In 1984, he was a signer on the call for an independent commission of inquiry into the railroad investigation and later prosecution of Lyndon LaRouche and associates.
LaRouche and the authors of Dope, Inc. singularly situated the evidence of the Kennedy assassination conspiracy in the long-running history of British assassinations of American Presidents, and the ongoing war between the American and the British systems, a war that claimed John Kennedy and, later, Robert F. Kennedy, as casualties. As Lyndon LaRouche has recently pointed out in a number of published works, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was a defining moment for the United States, which launched the long spiral downward, from the Indochina War that Kennedy had rejected, to the Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations, which made the election of Richard Nixon possible, to the final destruction of FDR's Bretton Woods system, to the succession of disasters that followed.