From Massachusetts Bay Colony
to Tunis, Today: How Shall We Reverse
the Global Chain-Reaction Collapse?
Jan. 27, 2011 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee. This is a transcript of Lyndon LaRouche's opening remarks today to a private luncheon in the Washington, D.C. area.
Lyndon LaRouche: We are in a very interesting situation, in which very few governments of the world have shown any competence in understanding what the nature of the international situation is. We're now in a general economic breakdown crisis, chain-reaction-style, of the entire planet. That's a fact. It can not be removed. That is it.
The question is, how do you respond to it: For example, let's take a case, Tunisia. Is Tunisia an isolated event based on Ben Ali? No! Absolutely not. It's a chain-reaction effect, throughout the entire Maghreb and beyond, the Middle East, and everywhere. The whole world is ready to blow up. Europe is hopelessly bankrupt. The United States, under the current president, is hopelessly bankrupt. This has effects on the entire planet, just that and similar kinds of things. So what we're in, is a breakdown crisis of global civilization. And one has to, first of all, recognize that there is such a process in motion; and secondly, to address their efforts, not to try to interpret isolated events, but to look at how we can influence the mass process.
Now, the obvious thing that is required, without which there is no solution, is to recognize that the present world international monetary system, as a system, is hopelessly incompetent, and is in the process of disintegrating. We are in a process where you can expect a disintegration of the economies of the world, chain-reaction-style, now. It's in process. Just a question of when.
And it's more complicated — for example, let's take the case of 1923 Germany, the Weimar hyperinflation: The Weimar hyperinflation was an artificial effect, created by the British and French, especially, with U.S. support, which was unleashed in a fixed environment, which was the borders of Germany. And so, this thing was predictable, in the sense; the hyperinflation was intentional, not merely predictable, it was intentional. And it destroyed Germany considerably, until the bailout occurred later. And therefore, the whole history of Germany during the post-World War I period was affected by this contained process.
So, when you look at the 1923 Germany hyperinflationary breakdown, you're looking at a process which broke down in a confined environment, and therefore it was more predictable as to timing. We now are faced with a global, general breakdown crisis, far worse in its implications than anything seen during the post-World War I period, up until the outbreak of general warfare.
But this is much more complicated; the European situation is more complicated. For example: The question is, and it tends to be triggered by what's happened in Ireland; the Irish are resisting the bailout. That makes things more complicated, because in Portugal, there's a resistance to the bailout, not a clear-cut one, but a definite one. In Spain, there's a reaction against the bailout.
Germany, despite what the Chancellor says, is on the verge of resisting and overturning the applecart, in terms of the euro system. Now, they say they're going to stick to the euro; they pledge loyalty to the euro. I don't believe it. Because if I look at the internal structure of Germany, Germany actually has a Constitutional system built into it, which was shown very clearly in the immediate postwar period, under [Hermann] Abs, when the reconstruction of the German economy, under the leadership of Abs, copying the Franklin Roosevelt system, was quite successful in its own way; and those institutions still exist in Germany. It's complicated by the fact that the Social Democracy is totally British, from the top down, and therefore, the leaders of the German Social Democracy tend to be agents of British influence, characteristically. But others who are more Constitutional, may have a different reaction.
You have the Russian situation: Russia's in a very dangerous situation, because it adopted the so-called BRIC. The BRIC is nothing but an appendage of the Inter-Alpha banking system, and that whole system is now bankrupt. In point of fact, the British Empire is controlling the world system, and that world system, dominated by the British Empire, is in the process of disintegration.
We have a recent development, the publication of this report, the report on the events of 2008 in terms of the economy, not unfamiliar to me, but what they say, essentially, in the report of 500-odd pages, is that there never was a reason, a rational reason, for the bailout which occurred inside the United States, or similar kinds of actions actually in Europe. The thing was insane.
I said that in 2007: that the situation, the inflationary structure inside the mortgage-based securities system, was about to blow up. I put forth a motion, a Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, which was very popular. A lot of muscle was put into motion in September of that year to prevent that from occurring. Had that occurred, we would not be in the present mess. But as the 2008 report, which is published just recently, saying that the entire bailout process, which they date from the autumn of 2008, was a fraud! There was never any legitimacy, or need, for the bailout process.
In point of fact, since that time, actually since 2007— because the 2008 actions were the result of a decision made in 2007—the entire world system is now in a chain-reaction collapse, because the way the system works, is [through] the Federal Reserve system, which is controlled by the British, not by the American interests. In the United States, we were prepared to move with the Glass-Steagall reenactment, to stop this process, but the British government made a threat to the U.S. administration, saying that any attempt to impose a Glass-Steagall reenactment inside the United States would be considered as a virtual act of war against the British. And it would be! Because the minute we, in the United States, were to reintroduce a Glass-Steagall law, modelled on the 1933 model, at that instant, the entire British international monetary-financial system, that is, Lord Rothschild's Inter-Alpha Group which is the dominant world system today, would go into a chain-reaction collapse, and the British Empire, or the last vestige of it, would disappear! Which does not mean the United Kingdom would disappear, but it means its entire financial structure would disappear.
We would have to dump the whole thing and start all over again; which nations have done, in the past, under warfare conditions and so forth—as Germany was rebuilt after World War II, through a process. So, this does not mean that the United Kingdom would disappear. It means that the system, which is a British-dominated system [would disappear], and the BRIC is part of the British-dominated system: Brazil is hopelessly bankrupt! All other nations, generally, in the BRIC system are hopelessly bankrupt!
Russia is threatened by a general chain-reaction collapse by virtue of its attachment to the BRIC, which is bankrupt and about to blow out! To me this is not a great catastrophe, but what would be a great catastrophe, is a failure of Russians to react competently to this fact: The BRIC is finished! It's bankrupt! It's gone! But that does not mean a necessary catastrophe for Russia, because Russia can simply reorganize its system, with the cooperation of other nations, which recognize this is the problem.
Domination by the British Empire
What is particularly important in the United States: That we have the only functional Constitutional conception of a credit system, rather than a monetarist system. The problem has been, that the world in the large, has been dominated, since the Peace of Paris of 1763, by what became the British Empire. And the British Empire is an international monetarist system, in which whoever is dominant in the monetarist system controls the whole system, which is the British imperial system. That's the reality of it. It's not a colonial system, though there are colonial aspects to the British system; the British system is, essentially, a global system; it's a global monetarist system, derived from the history and foundation of the Roman Empire.
The Roman Empire collapsed, and the wealthy Romans went up the swamps which were later called Venice. And so this went through the evolution into the Byzantine Empire, and the wealthy Romans were up there in the area we call Venice, now. And about 1000 A.D., the Byzantine Empire began to crumble. At that point, the Venetians went ahead and made themselves a dominant influence in the finances of the Mediterranean region, and beyond. That went on; that went into the great collapse in the 14th century, the great genocidal collapse, the chain-reaction collapse, and we came out of that with the Renaissance.
Then the Venetians went back at it, and they got the Habsburgs to do what they did, made a mess of things. We went through a period of warfare as a result, in Europe, from 1492 to 1648, religious and related warfare! We came out of that with the Peace of Westphalia, and some people are trying to get out of the Peace of Westphalia now, again. The Westphalian system is the only system, that the world can function under.
We're in a situation, where the United States is the only nation which has, Constitutionally, a credit system: That is, our laws are constructed so that we do not have a monetary system. We do not put faith in money! We put faith in real value, physical value. We are a credit system, not a monetarist system. The monetarist system we have, in Europe today, and in the world, is a product of what happened with the beginning of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire established in the Mediterranean region, a monetarist system, in which money as such, as controlled by relevant political forces, controlled nations which participated in that system.
The difference between Europe and the United States on this account, is that we in the United States, based our nation on a credit system, as opposed to a monetarist system. Europe remains, in the large, with the exception of what Abs did during the immediate postwar period, Europe remains essentially a monetarist system, controlled chiefly by the British Empire, or the British monetarist empire. And that's what's collapsing.
Now, the solution exists here. What the British did, was they stuck some characters in there, including the current President, Obama, who's a mental case. But this is blocking our capability; our capability is to go immediately to reenactment of Glass-Steagall. The Glass-Steagall reenactment would immediately lead to a potential recovery of the U.S. economy, not in some miraculous way, but in a lawful way. We have large projects which are ready to go, and have been ready to go. These large projects, if instituted, would be a recovery of the United States.
Our orientation is partly to Europe, but our orientation is largely toward the Orient, largely toward nations such as Russia, and the Siberian Russia has a great potential, and similar kinds of things. China, India are the paragons on which we organize a present world recovery. We can provide an element of stability to China's efforts; we can help India, if we wish to; and we will find that the Pacific region, the trans-Pacific region, will be the central driver of any long-term planetary recovery.
Such a recovery, based on the Pacific region would affect primarily, would be centered on Germany, which would be a revival of the kind of technological science-driver of economy, which Germany is better suited to, and this would mean that the European market would be oriented largely to participation in the development of the economies of Asia, as typified by the case of China today, and typified in a different way, but also true, in India.
So there is a possible recovery of the world system, by getting rid of this pile of junk, which is this worthless system, this worthless monetarist system, by which the world is now imprisoned. And what is inevitably going to collapse, very soon, but because of the complications of different states' and different groups of states' ability to act to shift the situation, you can not predict mechanically, when the collapse will occur. But the fact is, the collapse is already in process; under the present system, the collapse is inevitable. Nothing can be done to stop it as long as this system remains!
The only way to get out of it, you have to put the present monetary system into receivership: You have to have a reorganization from a monetarist system, to a credit system. Which means you need a fixed-exchange-rate system, on the planet. Because with a fixed-exchange-rate system, you have, then, the ability to run a credit system. And the idea is, money as a way of investing in money as such, will come, essentially to an end! It will mean that investment will be in terms of credit systems, which are based on physical, increase of physical productivity, of physical production, of the productive powers of labor, which is the American System. That's our Constitutional system, which has been greatly violated, of course, many times, including most recently. So that's part of it.
Now, the other part of this thing, is the problem is not the problem of one nation, or two nations, or several nations. The problem is systemic: We're in a general breakdown crisis of the entire world system. And it's a situation in which only a cooperation among some nations, which can initiate a cooperative establishment of a credit system, typified by what the United States used to support, would start a recovery.
In other words, let's take the case, concretely, of the United States: The whole nation is finished, in its present form. There's nothing that can be done. As long as this President remains President, the situation of the United States is absolutely hopeless! Only if that President is thrown out of office, under the 25th Amendment, section 4, as an insane person, then we would be able to force through certain issues which are not considered.
The typical member of Congress, for example, today, will say —in the Federal Congress—will say, "Well, there's nothing we can do about it. He's President. And until somebody comes in to replace him, there's nothing we can do about it. We can nag, we can make demands, we can make suggestions, but what he's going to do, under the so-called 'signing statement rule,' established under George W. Bush Jr., this is going to run the country!"
This President can sabotage anything sane we want to do! And until we get this guy out of there, there's nothing we can do, to put through, successfully, the kind of legislation which would deal with the present world crisis. So, as long as this President remains President, the world, by chain-reaction effects, is headed into dark age. And the need is to get rid of him, put him into retirement someplace in a mental institution, where he can be protected, because we have the capability as a nation....
NAWAPA Will Revolutionize the World
For example, we have, since 1964, before we got into this crazy war in Indo-China, we had a program which would have revolutionized the world: It was called the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA), which involved at that point, the United States, principally, Canada, and the northern part of Mexico. This is '64. In 1964, the then-President of the United States, Johnson, announced that once the war in Indo-China had been won, that we would go to the NAWAPA project. We never did! And we went to Hell, instead.
The NAWAPA project is still crucial: What this involves, is a change in policy, which is of titanic—it's more than global: It's of world, it's of Solar System significance.
What NAWAPA does, is by taking the surplus water flows, coming chiefly out of two great river systems, one going through Alaska, the other through the Canadian system; this excess water, which simply flows from the great Arctic region, which is one of the great watersheds of the Arctic region—it flows into the Pacific or into the Arctic Sea. And it doesn't do any good. Eventually, it's going to get back to the oceans, it always does. But if you divert a certain part of that flow, of these particularly two rivers, and steer it down through the relatively alpine region, of Canada and the Western States, you build up a watershed, such that you would change the rainfall characteristics of the entire United States, and the entire North America, by a factor of 2.7: That is, for every drop of water you add to the system, you will get 2.7 times that, in terms of rainfall, across the United States and Canada.
So what we're doing, therefore, with NAWAPA, which has been, again, a fully engineered, designed project—in that period in 1964, when it was completed, and ready for installation—would mean that we would change the characteristics of the planet: By realizing that we can manage the water available on this planet, in such a way as to increase the rainfall pattern, where we need it, along major areas. This means that we are going to increase the green. We're going to increase the plant life; we're going to improve the quality of everything.
It also means that we're going into space, not as simply traveling into space, but we'll be moving, now, in examination of the Arctic region, which is the center of the Earth: the Arctic region is the center of the dynamics of the whole planet Earth. And when you seize control and get into control of that process, you're able to change the quality of life throughout the planet Earth. You do this with large, major projects.
Compare this, for example, to the Three Gorges Dam in China. Three Gorges Dam is a great project. But, the NAWAPA project is many times more powerful than the Three Gorges Dam.
The development of this system would change Siberia. Siberia is now a failed area, largely, a desolated area, but it has vast mineral resources, in an area which is characterized by a lot of tundra area. Great mineral resources lie under the land area of Mongolia and Siberia and so forth. This is not developed area, but were it developed, simply by extending the Trans-Siberian Railroad to go into the connection to the Bering Straits Tunnel, [it] would transform the character of Siberia, where Siberia would develop as a source of mineral resources, which lie underneath the territory of Siberia, which would flow into the countries to the south of Russia, such as China, India and other countries; which would solve the great problem which faces us in these countries. We can deal with population expansion of the type in China and India; we can deal with that! But we need the resources, we need the management to be able to deal with it. This would do it.
So here we are, in the United States, acting like fools, under Presidents who are worse than fools, when we've had in our hands, since 1964, the greatest project for the improvement of the conditions of life of humanity on this planet; not limited to the NAWAPA project, but exemplified by what the NAWAPA project represents. That still exists today.
Our problem is to recognize that the policies of the United States, since the death of Franklin Roosevelt, have tended to be clinically insane, especially since the assassination of John F. Kennedy. We've been insane. All the things that we were starting to do, to plan for the postwar period, post-World War II period, were cut out. With the assassination of Kennedy, everything good in the United States policy began to be destroyed, just aborted or destroyed.
For example: When we had launched the Moon landing program, we had reached a point in our technological development, under the impetus of Kennedy, the Kennedy Administration space program and related things, in which we were getting 10 cents' worth of increased productivity in the U.S. economy, for every penny spent on the space program. Because the development of technology was running way ahead of its realization.
But, however, even though we made the Moon landing, by 1968, 1967-68, we were going negative, because we were destroying more infrastructure than we were creating; we were destroying more scientific investment than we were creating. And the fact that we were running ten times the rate of potential growth in technological progress, as opposed to the space program expenditure, just typified that.
So, the importance of that, is, we have a planet, which is not overpopulated, but it lacks the means to sustain even the present population. We're drawing down resources, on which the present population of the planet depends. We could fix that, but we have to fix it! Otherwise it will not be fixed, it's not going to be fixed spontaneously. It's going to be fixed by projects, such as, in the case of China, the Three Gorges Dam: very large-scale infrastructure development of entire territories, and movement to raise the level, intellectual level, of populations, so they're more productive, more creative. This is what we have to do. It's all here! It's all possible! What's needed is the political instrument and the political will.
Change the Dynamic Among Nations
Now, there's another factor to be considered in all this: Take the case of Tunis; now the crisis in Egypt, and crisis in other North African and Middle East countries, hmm? This is not a crisis of Tunisia, it's not a crisis of Egypt, it's not a crisis of any other particular country in that entire region: It's a crisis of them all! And what you're having is mass effects, sweeping across these territories, out of control of the governments of those nations, or the social forces of those nations! And only by instituting measures, which will enable those governments to gain control of the situation economically, and socially, will you be able to stop this flood: We are now in a panic, a global, chain-reaction panic.
For example: Brazil is ready to go. Brazil is hopelessly bankrupt. The BRIC is finished! It's bankrupt, it's hopeless; there's nothing you can do it in its present form. But you could take actions to replace this BRIC nonsense, which is simply an extension of Lord Rothschild's Inter-Alpha Group. You could reform banking systems, as we can reform the United States' banking system, back to a commercial banking system, based on our Constitution, not what's being done now.
But we have to understand, we're in a planetary crisis, a planetary crisis which involves sovereign nation-states, or not-so-sovereign nation-states, and similar kinds of processes. We're dealing with a panic which runs across borders, beyond the control of any government. We can not control these things by trying to sit on them and control them! We can control these kinds of forces, only by the kinds of actions, which change the dynamic among nations, not by trying to manage each nation as a separate case.
There's no government on this planet today, which, by itself, is capable of controlling its destiny. Only by creating a system, appropriate for this need, under which a concert of governments, by the will of those governments, adopt joint intentions, can we save this planet from the plunge into a dark age, far worse, deeper, more damaging, than the dark age which hit Europe in the 14th century. That's where we are: And the governments of the world are, in net effect, so far, behaving like fools. But those who have the power to make this kind of change, by failing to do so, are putting humanity in jeopardy. So the problem today, is not this issue or that issue, as such. The problem today, is there's a lack of commitment, to bring nations together, in the kind of corrections which can bring this crisis of the planet under control, which can give stability to relations among nations.
And under the present system, a present system which characterized which one particular form of insanity: In Europe, the insanity takes the form of the belief in a post-Westphalian system. Civilization in Europe, after it had collapsed into a dark age, in the 14th century, where vast loss of population of Europe, or the institutions of Europe, had occurred, was brought back to life by the Peace of Westphalia. The Peace of Westphalia was essentially a realization of what had happened in Florence, back in the time of the great ecumenical Council of Florence, and by the figure of Nicholas of Cusa. The followers of Nicholas of Cusa, were crucial in developing modern science, typified by people like Leonardo da Vinci and so forth, and also Kepler and whatnot.
So, Europe had a renaissance. The renaissance clicked in, with the Peace of Westphalia, but immediately, with a new Venetian party, represented by William of Orange, for example, who took over England and created the British Empire, or the foundations of it, we lost that. The United States was a factor in trying to reverse that; it reflected that.
So we're in a situation now, in which, if we know our history, know the actual content of our history, we can understand the dynamic, which is operating presently throughout the planet as a whole, the dynamic which sweeps across the borders of nations, and causes an apparent crisis in Tunis, which does not originate in Tunis, to spread across Northern Africa, to spread into the Middle East, to spread into India, Pakistan, to spread into South America, with the collapse of the Brazilian system which is now in process; the collapse throughout Asia, the collapse throughout Europe. It's only our insanity, in failing to learn lessons we should have learned from past history, that we could come out of this.
The Crucial Role of the United States
My view is, because of the United States' history, which very few people outside the United States, except historians, seem to understand, the United States is crucial: Why?
Well, the United States was a product of the intention of some people in northern Europe, seeing the failure of the colonization of the Spanish-language colonization of South and Central America. Where there landed in Massachusetts, from Europe, the beginning of a new conception, for Europe, of a new kind of society, a society based on what's called a credit system, rather than a monetary system. In other words, the colonization of North America, especially in Massachusetts during the 17th century, created an alternative to the European system of that time. It was created by Europeans, who moved out of Europe, into North America. They brought their culture from Europe into North America, but they didn't bring the imperialism, the British imperialism, the European imperialism.
Now, this was crushed. It was crushed by William of Orange, in particular, and the new Venetian party. But! Nonetheless, when Europe had had enough of the Seven Years War, no longer was going to be taken in by this stuff, the British nonsense, then, there was a movement in Europe recognizing that they had been betrayed in processes such as the Seven Years War, to unite to defend the United States' independence! This included France, it included Spain, it included Russia, as part of the League of Armed Neutrality. These forces, in 1778, and before, actually, had actually established a new world order. But the British Empire moved in, and by the Empire's subverting processes, put the Europeans, again, at each others' throats, orchestrated the French Revolution, orchestrated the Napoleon Wars, which were a British stunt, essentially.
And so, we lost it. The United States became isolated.
We survived nonetheless, and under Lincoln, we became a great power, because we defeated the British Empire in the effort to destroy us, through the Confederacy. And therefore, we embody, even though we are — were largely a European culture, in the best sense of the term, but we fell behind, especially after the assassination of Lincoln, but especially later on, in the end of the century, and we slipped back into British-like ways, largely through Wall Street and Boston, this area.
So therefore, we have a legacy which is important, which is the essence of our Constitution, the efficiency of our Constitution, which is based on European culture, and now includes more and more reflections of Asian culture, especially from the West Coast side. And we have, again, the idea of a nation-state, independent of empire, which is committed to the improvement of the condition of life for humanity, based on credit system, rather than a monetarist system!
And the struggle inside the United States, is that we have a British faction in the United States, associated with Boston, the Boston bankers, Wall Street, and so forth, which is British. It's a British element inside our system. But in our people, in our Constitution, in our active tradition, we are a credit system, which believes, as Roosevelt typified, in a fixed-exchange-rate relationship among nations, and for the development of the planet as a whole, through a system of cooperation among nation-states, based on a fixed-exchange-rate system as a credit system.
And the NAWAPA project, and its prospects, expresses that. That's our chance. We are a European culture, a product of European culture, but minus the British Empire. And the fools in our country are those who like the British Empire, and British ways.
That's really the issue.
The Solution Is In Our Hands
So, we're in a panic now, why? Because, unless this change is made, then the entire planet is going into a hopeless plunge into disaster. It's not because of something wrong in one nation or another. It's because the whole planet is disintegrating; the whole society is disintegrating, and individual nations have no power to control this process! What can Tunis do? What can Middle East countries do? What can any part of the world do, by itself?
The question is, is the British Empire going to continue, to bring this chaos down upon us all? We've reached the point, unless we get rid of that thing off our back, and get back to the kind of intention which the United States had, originally, as in the founding of our colonization in Massachusetts, to create a system of the world, of sovereign nation-states, united by a fixed-exchange-rate credit system, using the power to generate credit, as a way for joint, cooperative economic development of every part of the world as a whole: It's our only chance. That's what lies before us.
We could win. I'll give you one example, just in conclusion on this: On July 25th of 2007, I warned that we were headed for a chain-reaction collapse of our national credit system, or monetary system. A collapse which was based on wild speculation, in a housing market, which was completely insane. So, I proposed a piece of legislation, which we initiated among states: It was called the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007. This Act, if installed, would have prevented the entirety of the crisis which the world has experienced since 2007!
The British influence, inside the Congress blocked this legislation, which was very popular among governors of states, and among other people in states, and in the Congress itself, largely. But the impetus of the heavy hand, of the Bush Administration, and later the Obama Administration, crushed the effort to impose this. As a result of that, in the fall of 2008, the effect of blocking this Glass-Steagall type of legislation, on banking, resulted in what became known as "the great speculation," the great fraud.
So today, the United States is being crushed by the fact, that the entire banking system, of the United States and Britain, among others, is collapsing. We're in a hopeless breakdown crisis, comparable to what happened in Germany in 1923, but much worse in its long-term effects.
We have now a report of the 2008 Commission, which recently decorated our press during the beginning of this week. This report, of 500-odd pages, argues that there never was a reason for the bailout. There never was, a reason for the $17 trillion of worthless paper, which is sitting on the back of the United States today. Never! All we have to do, is simply cancel it.
We, in the United States, can cancel it very simply: All we have to do, is reenact the 1933 Glass-Steagall legislation. The enactment of that legislation, which would be very popular in some circles in Ireland, for example —that legislation would eliminate, would crush, eliminate this monetarist system! And would require, and would promote, a new contractual agreement, among a growing number of sovereign nation-states, to establish a global fixed-exchange-rate credit-system, once again. Under a fixed-exchange-rate credit-system, we could, at any moment, begin to rebuild this planet, and reverse this destruction. It's within our hands.
The problem is, that as individual nations as such, no individual nation as such, has presently sufficient power, to control their own destiny. It requires a concert of agreement, among nations, to have a concerted force, to reestablish what a Glass-Steagall system represents, and to go to a fixed-exchange-rate system of the type which was destroyed, under Nixon, in 1971. That has to be accompanied by the launching of large-scale projects, largely of infrastructure projects, as well as of science, in general. These projects are needed. The NAWAPA project is the greatest project ever conceived by mankind, in terms of the quantity and quality of it.
It's the greatest change, in the history of mankind: Because, the effects of NAWAPA is not merely on the United States, or not merely on this planet. We are beginning, then, in NAWAPA, to know how to exert great force within the Solar System, and beyond. We now begin to understand how to do this, and NAWAPA gives us a very precise perception.
We're going into the Arctic, for example. Now, the entirety of our culture, the entirety of economic system, or physical system on this planet, is centered on the Arctic, of which we don't know enough! There are processes, when we dig into the Arctic, we find things there which astonish us, in terms of what primitive forms of life have been, and how these primitive forms of life, still in the Arctic, affect the planet as a whole, today. We're moving into learning how to control the processes which control human life within the Solar System.
And with that kind of action, where nations agree to establish a new system of law, based on a fixed-exchange-rate system among sovereign nation-states, then we have the power to share the ideas, and the development of the ideas, which achieve these ends.
It's our chance.
And so, don't worry about the details out there; don't worry what's happening in Egypt, as such; what's happened in Tunis, or what happened in some other country. That's not the issue. The issue, for Egypt, for Tunisia, and other countries, is they have no power to control the situation, in which they're enveloped! They're the victims of circumstances they can not control! And therefore, more powerful combinations of forces, must intervene, to change the present world system, in a rational way, and by using the concerted action of cooperation, among nation-states, as Roosevelt did, with the United Nations formation and with the formation of a fixed-exchanged-rate system, under his administration.
We need concerted action, among partners in nation-state cooperation, to bring this planet under control, to such ends. If we do, what I know of the science of the situation, we can succeed and survive. But if we do not unite, not as some part of an empire, but as an association of cooperating nation-states, if we do that, we can control the situation; we can provide a better destiny for humanity. And by thinking in these terms, I think we tend to become able, to think about practical measures, which will contribute to bringing about these ends.