Obama Sends ‘Agent
of a Foreign Power’ To Defend
His Assault on the Constitution
June 27, 2011 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
On Tuesday, June 28, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, headed by Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.), will hold a hearing on Libya and War Powers, featuring Obama Administration spokesman Harold Koh, currently the Legal Advisor to the U.S. State Department, as well as a panel with two academics. Koh was one of the two top Administration lawyers, the other being White House Counsel Bob Bauer, who provided the "legal" justification for President Obama to overrule the judgment of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Justice Department, and override the U.S. Constitution, by launching war against Libya without Congressional approval.
In fact, Koh's record shows that he is a de facto operative for billionaire drug-legalizer and British agent George Soros. That qualifies him as an "agent of a foreign power—Britain," declared Lyndon LaRouche. The British puppet Obama is thus sending a British agent to Congress, to demand that the U.S. Senate ratify the ripping up of the U.S. Constitution.
The British pedigree of George Soros is writ large in his history, as well as his evil philosophy. After a stint in Hungary where he, a Jew, worked as a teenager for the Nazis, taking over Jewish properties, Soros went to England where he was trained, and eventually turned into a financial frontman for top-level British oligarchical families, including the Rothschilds, and, reportedly, the Queen herself. He is an American in passport only.
As for Soros's operative Koh, his extensive record can only be summarized here, but it should give pause to anyone who considers himself or herself a patriot of the United States.
- Koh, an expert in international law, served on the Board of Directors of George Soros' Human Rights Watch, from at least 1995-1999. Human Rights Watch has as one of its primary missions, the challenging of efforts to curtail drug trafficking internationally, as well as in the United States.
- When appointed as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor by Madeleine Albright in 1998, Koh proceeded to carry out the Soros mandate, by consistently bludgeoning the Colombian government into negotiating with the murderous drug cartel (the FARC) which was terrorizing its people, and purging military officers who opposed that policy.
- Koh also personally handled the coup against anti-drug Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori, a coup which was bought and paid for by George Soros.
- Koh is a leading proponent of the Blair/Soros doctrine that national sovereignty should be overturned, when a nation is determined (by whom?) to have violated the rights of its people. Called "the right to protect," this doctrine is what Koh argued in his justification for the Libyan war. The root of this doctrine was expressed explicitly by Soros in a January 2004 article in Foreign Policy magazine, "The People's Sovereignty," when he argued that "Sovereignty is an anachronistic concept originating in bygone times when society consisted of rulers and subjects, not citizens. It became the cornerstone of international relations with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648.... The rulers of a sovereign state have a responsibility to protect the state's citizens. When they fail to do so, the responsibility is transferred to the international community."
Koh will not be the only Soros agent to address the Senate Foreign Relations Committee tomorrow. On the second panel, following former Library of Congress constitutional law specialist Louis Fisher, now with The Constitution Project, will appear Temple University Law Professor Peter Spiro, is a longtime fellow of the Open Society Institute/George Soros Foundation, who has repeatedly written that "international law" supersedes the U.S. Constitution.
Will the real American patriots begin to stand up?