LaRouche Video Keynotes Conference
at Russia's Dubna University
Oct. 24, 2011 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
A video presentation titled "Principles of a Credit System for Economic Recovery and Transformation of the Earth and the Cosmos," by Lyndon LaRouche and Sky Shields of the LaRouche PAC Basement team, was the keynote of a conference that opened today at the Dubna International University of Nature, Society, and Man, in the Moscow Region of Russia. The two-day International Conference on Fundamental Problems of Sustained Development in the System of Nature-Society-Man is the second annual session of Dubna University's International Scientific School — "Project Management of Sustained Innovation-Based Development."
The project's initiator, Dubna University Professor Boris Bolshakov, was a collaborator of the late Pobisk G. Kuznetsov, a visionary scientist and organizer of industry, who hosted LaRouche on his visit to Russia in 1994.
LaRouche greeted the gathering by discussing the tremendous potential of Russian-Chinese-U.S. cooperation in leading Pacific Basin-centered development of the planet, as the way out of the Dark Age. He invoked the memory of his intellectually exciting discussions with Pobisk Kuznetsov, saying that what Pobisk had on his agenda were the kinds of questions that
"must be brought forward and discussed, because we are entering a new period, a new period of galactic history, as well as just the history of Earth. And the way to do it is to go back to our souls, which is our commitment to science in those times when Pobisk was still alive, and to take up the issues of today, from that starting point." (A transcript of these introductory remarks is provided below.)
The 15-minute discussion that Shields then presented, prepared by an LPAC Basement team, runs from the urgent need to implement the Glass-Steagall principle, through the history of evolution on Earth, to the powers of the potential "reconnection" of mankind and our planet through the construction of NAWAPA and the Eurasian Land-Bridge, connected across the Bering Strait. New topological animations of this transformation of the Earth are included. The video is in English with Russian subtitles, and is available on RuTube and YouTube as of today.
LaRouche's address to last year's inaugural session of the Dubna school was published as a subtitled video, as "Infrastructure Platforms of Economic Development." It has been streamed or downloaded by 6,000 Russian viewers over the past year, making an important contribution to the debate of these crucial ideas within Russia.