Stop the Nuclear Holocaust!
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Dec. 16, 2011 (EIRNS)—This leaflet was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
The world is presently at the verge of:
The combination of immediately threatened general economic breakdown-crisis in the trans-Atlantic sector, and
An already pre-staged, Anglo-American-led thermonuclear bombardment launched by the Anglo-American alliance against leading nations of Asia including Russia and China. This danger now exists for at least as long as a London-controlled U.S. President Barack Obama remains as President of the United States of America. This condition has been pre-staged since the murder of the former Libyan head of state by a concert of Britain, France and the United States under President Obama.
That attack has been pre-staged around the designated trigger of the Israel threat to attack Iran, and the associated intention to crush the nation of Syria. Unless the U.S.A. removes an actually insane President Barack Obama under Section 4 of the U.S. 25th Amendment to its Federal Constitution, or by that President's impeachment, there is very little likelihood that a World War III can be avoided during the weeks ahead. The forced retirement of President Obama would avert the greatest danger to the planet at large.
This is not speculation; this is fact.
At the same time, the entirety of the trans-Atlantic region is being plunged into the depths of a hyper-inflation whose effects would be far worse than what struck Weimar Germany in force in 1923. The gravest danger, of both thermonuclear warfare and the deepest depression of the world in modern history, could be stopped now; but it will not stop unless it is stopped. Inside the U.S.A. that means three actions:
Dump President Obama from office;
Immediate re-enactment President Franklin Roosevelt's Glass-Steagall legislation; and,
Re-establish the U.S. National Banking action pioneered under U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. The combination of those latter legal reforms would be sufficient to launch a general economic recovery.