LaRouche Vindicated
on National Italian Television
Jan 19, 2012 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
Lyndon LaRouche was prominently featured yesterday on Italian national TV channel Raidue. Freelance journalist Giovanni Minoli produced a documentary on the financial crisis starting off with LaRouche's 2003 interview with Minoli himself, in which LaRouche forecast the coming collapse of the financial system.
The program starts with a video clip from that interview, with a close shot of LaRouche saying:
"The entire financial and monetary system is close to a collapse."
It then shifts to Minoli in studio, who says: "These words were spoken in May 2003, I repeat, May 2003, by a prominent American economist, Lyndon LaRouche."
Again the original 2003 video, with introduction on LaRouche. "LaRouche is an economist who sounds like a preacher, with a record of prophecies that would make Nostradamus jealous: From the fall of the Berlin Wall to the collapse of the Internet bubble." It then goes on reporting what LaRouche's detractors say, and what his admirers say.
"The Mighty Ones want to shut him up; the Vatican, Russians and Chinese receive him with honor."
Then LaRouche illustrates the Triple Curve, explaining at length the three curves and why the system is going to collapse.
Back to host Minoli today: "In substance, we have, above, the financial curve: paper without production. And below, the production curve. The two curves are increasingly distant. But when did this rush start?"
Again a clip from the 2003 interview, with LaRouche saying:
"In 1964, along with the Indochina war, there was a shift from a producer economy to a consumer economy. The United States and Great Britain started to loot Third World economies. Great Britain wanted to build a new Empire based on the model of the Roman Empire. People have not yet realized it, but we have destroyed our productive sector, industry and agriculture. The very support of the financial economies was destroyed."
LaRouche then explains the difference between a conjunctural crisis and a collapse crisis.
Then, again, Minoli in studio, saying: And the collapse has come, at least this is the perception among people today.
During the entire section, the name of LaRouche was prominently superimposed either as caption to the 2003 clip, including the date of May 21, 2003, or through special effects in studio (virtual revolving walls, with giant keywords on them).
Following the section with LaRouche, which lasts about five minutes, the program goes on reconstructing the "counterposition between financial and real economy" from 1929 to the present day. The reconstruction is biased with the prominent (and wrong) role attributed to Keynes, and other approximations, but it shows nevertheless how the phase of prosperity inaugurated by FDR and revived by Kennedy came to an end, first with Thatcher, then with Reagan. The fall of Communism was the victory of free-market ideology and the triumph of Von Hayek, but the outbreak of the global financial crisis showed that free-market ideology has failed.
It concludes with excerpts of older interviews with Giulio Tremonti and Romano Prodi, pasted face to face, talking generally about "rules" for the financial system and about "a new Bretton Woods." The program was broadcast shortly after 11:30 p.m., on schedule, as part of Minoli's series, "La Storia Siamo Noi."
The entire program is indeed a patchwork of previous programs and, according to EIR sources, was aimed exclusively at boosting LaRouche. Indeed, the video posted now on the Raidue replay site, does not have the original headline ("Krisi"), but is simply headlined "Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche." It has the following introduction:
"Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr. (Rochester, sept. 8 1922) is a United States politician and activist. He leads several political organizations in the USA and in other countries, including Italy where the 'Movimento Internazionale per i Diritti Civili - Solidarietà ' is active. Although he never got a university degree, he has written a lot on economic, scientific, cultural and political issues."