LaRouche PAC-TV Features
Breakthrough Video:
'The Extinction of Empire'
Jan. 28 (EIRNS)—This week's Weekly Report by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee represents a breakthrough presentation of the scientific outlook necessary for mankind's survival, Lyndon LaRouche said today. In the Weekly Report, Sky Shields and Ben Deniston of the LaRouche PAC Basement Scientific team joined with LaRouche, in making the case, by way of the history of life on this planet, that mankind can only survive through conscious pursuit of increases in energy-flux-density, and specifically by taking up the immediate challenge of preparing to colonize Mars.
The hour and 15-minute-long program, which will be featured in transcript form in the upcoming Executive Intelligence Review, is currently available on the Lyndon LaRouche PAC website, and is the subject of a major outreach campaign by the LaRouche PAC.
As the viewer watches this video, it will become clear that it is only those species who cling to animal behavior, rather than undergoing qualitative upshifts in their intensity of power, that have become extinct. Empires, such as that monetarist empire currently dominated by the British, demand that their subject peoples submit to such behavior. The LaRouche movement insists that human survival not only requires that they resist, but that populations take up a definable policy for rapid scientific and technological progress which will ensure the future of mankind as a galactic species.