Russia and China Veto UN Security Council Resolution on Syria
Feb. 4, 2012 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
Both Russia and China have vetoed the latest UN Security Council resolution on Syria, because, after days of negotiations, there were still elements of the resolution that were a clear violation of Syrian sovereignty. By a 13-2 vote, the resolution, sponsored by Morocco and several European states, was defeated. Speaking at the "Wehrkunde" Munich Security Conference in Munich on today, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov explained that there were two features of the final resolution text that were still unacceptable. He said that the resolution failed to put proper blame on anti-Assad regime insurgents for the continuing violence, and mandated that the Syrian Army be returned to the barracks. The resolution also said that the Security Council "fully supports" the Arab League plan for Syria, which demanded that President Assad step down and turn over power to the vice president, Farouk al-Sharaa. Lavrov said that the resolution was the equivalent of "taking sides in a civil war."
In his speech at Munich, Lavrov pointedly asked:
"What will happen in 15 days if Assad refuses to step down? We will be back here at the UN debating for another resolution."
The whole UN Security Council effort was clearly aimed at forcing Russia and China to capitulate to the push for regime change in Syria, a significant step towards the global confrontation that the British Monarchy is pushing hard, targeting Russia and China. Typically, U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice launched into a vile tirade against Russia and China following the veto votes, calling it "shameful," and accusing Russia and China of a "sell out of the Syrian people" and shielding "a craven tyrant." She added: "Any further bloodshed that flows will be on their hands."
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) claimed that 217 people had been killed overnight in Homs, in what was described as a massacre by the Syrian Army. But according to the New York Times, there was no independent corroboration of the claims of shelling of parts of the town; and it was admitted that the fighting was triggered by an attack on two Syrian Army checkpoints by "deserters" and the capture of a number of Syrian soldiers. Later in the day, the SOHR had to revise the death figures down to 55, but not before President Obama already jumped into the fray, citing the Homs "massacre" as proof that "Assad has no right to lead Syria and has lost all legitimacy with his people and with the international community."
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, accompanied by the head of the Russian foreign intelligence service, Mikhail Fradlov, will be in Damascus on Tuesday, Feb. 7, to meet with President Assad.