Diane Sare Post-Election Statement:
Civilization Depends on Us Succeeding
June 7, 2012 (EIRNS)—LaRouche National Slate member Diane Sare issued the following written statement in the wake of the June 5 Democratic Primary election. Sare was running for the Democratic Party nomination in the 5th C.D.
"The Diane Sare for Congress campaign has transformed the 5th Congressional District and the nation forever. While officially being given only 10% of the vote, all those of you who joined with my efforts know that our effect was spectacular. Fellow LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers' victory in Texas demonstrates what all of us found in the streets of northern New Jersey: the American people have had it with this treasonous British agent Barack Obama.
"Furthermore, we now have a phenomenal coalition of patriots who agree on the core principles of the U.S. Constitution and who will stand up for that.
"My request to all of you is that you not walk away from the fight just as it is getting interesting! Lyndon LaRouche, at the age of nearly 90, like founding father Benjamin Franklin, has given the better part of his adult years to creating a future for those who will be born centuries from now. Each of us can do no less.
"The Euro is going to blow out momentarily, and unless Glass-Steagall is reinstated now, most people will lose everything. Obama's Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, is threatening unilateral military action against the nation of Syria, once again without consent of the US Congress. As Kesha stated, a lot is going to change between now and November, and we cannot allow a little aberration of an election to stop us from taking action to save the republic and the world.
"Obviously, it would have been easier to convince some pessimists of our power had I been allowed to win the primary—but frankly, the vote is not significant. Adam Gussen may have been delivered the Democratic Party nomination, but that does not stop the Euro from crashing, or thermonuclear war from beginning.
"The truth of the matter is, that as long as we stick to true principles, we have the upper hand. The primary elections of the remaining members of the LaRouche national slate are approaching, and we may have more victories at the polls, but more importantly, we have been proven right over and over again, and those who oppose us have been proven wrong. I am proud to have stood for truth with Lyndon LaRouche and the rest of the slate, and I expect to see all of you out there with us tomorrow morning as we win the war for the nation and for mankind."