Eight Anti-ESM Complaints
Already Filed at German Court
July 2, 2012 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
As of Sunday, the Constitutional Court of Germany received eight legal challenges against the European Stability Mechanism (ESM):
two separate ones by the Linke party;
two by Bundestag members Peter Danckert (Social Democratic Party) and Peter Gauweiler (Christian Social Union);
one by the Mehr Demokratie (More Democracy) alliance;
another one by the Freie Wähler (Free Voters) party and Karl-Albrecht Schachtschneider (plus three other anti-euro professors);
two by individual citizens not identified.
Apart from Austria and Ireland, where the opposition to the ESM has announced their intent to file complaints at their national constitutional courts, the heated legal battlefront in Germany is also closely watched by anti-ESM forces in Italy:
Lidia Undiemi, a fierce, Sicily-based opponent of the ESM and the bailout policies, has written a statement, entitled: "The Defense of Constitutional Values Starts In Germany: Let Us Join It!"
She says that the fight in the European Union is not between Germany and Italy or anyone else, but between the people and the oligarchy. The constitutional challenges in Germany are important because parts of the institutions are thus defending the people.
Undiemi notes that this is not the case in Italy, and concludes, therefore, that
"it is no exaggeration to say that at a national institutional level, the defense of the Italian people against the ESM and Fiscal Compact Treaties is being currently led by German representatives."