LaRouche PAC Declares Week of Action
for Glass-Steagall, As Support Increases
May 3, 2013 (EIRNS)—The LaRouche Political Action Committee has called a national week of action for Glass-Steagall, beginning May 6, urging citizens everywhere to demand immediate passage of HR 129, and introduction of companion legislation in the Senate. "The Eyes of the World Are Upon Us," the mobilization leaflet proclaims, because it is only with the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall in the United States that the process of genocide now occurring in Western Europe, and elsewhere, can be stopped, and the basis for a worldwide economic recovery put in place (see www.larouchepac for the full text).
The mobilization comes in the midst of accelerated activity and support for H.R. 129. The number of co-sponsors in the House of Representatives has reached 60, and Alabama on May 1 became the fourth state to have a memorial pass the State House demanding that Congress act now. Jt. Resolution 121 will now go before the State Senate.
Meanwhile, citizen activists are putting extraordinary pressure on state legislators around the country, seeking to increase the number of states (now 18) where memorials for Glass-Steagall have been put on the agenda, and mobilizing letters of support for H.R. 129 to be delivered to Federal lawmakers. Louisiana was the latest state to have a Memorial for Glass-Steagall introduced.