LaRouche Associates Speak
at Anti-Bail-In Seminar in Cyprus
NICOSIA, Cyprus, Oct. 19, 2013 (EIRNS)—On the evening of Oct. 17, two associates of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche were among four speakers at a conference called to take the Cyprus bail-in to the European Court of Justice. The conference was attended by up to 70 people, most of whom were victims of this policy. It was organized at the initiative of the Anglo-Cypriot Law Association and its President Dr. Katherine Alexander-Theodotou. Speakers included Prof. Takis Tridimas from King's College of London (an expert on European law) and Barrister Alexander Milner, also London-based, specialized in financial litigation. The other two speakers were Dean Andromidas of EIR and Elke Fimmen, representing the Schiller Institute and the BüSo party in Germany.
After an introduction by Dr. Alexander-Theodotou, the two barristers presented the grounds on which the cases are to be filed against the Troika. Mr. Milner identified violations of the right to property (as defined in the EU Charter); selective and unequal discrimination against depositors and a violation of fair procedure by the Troika as a main body of the case. Mr. Tridimas elaborated more on these points, stressing that nobody is above the law and that the Eurogroup of Eurozone finance ministers did not have any formal juridical power to impose these measures.
After a lengthy question-and-answer period, a smaller group stayed to attend the presentations of the LaRouche movement representatives. Dean Andromidas presented an impressive analysis of the utter bankruptcy of the derivative-based international universal banking system, and the utter failure of the bail-out, bail-policies in southern Europe, with its murderous results. He stressed that if the human race is to survive, Glass-Steagall is the only solution, to bankrupt this system and build a new credit system for the future.
Elke Fimmen explained how the establishment of the euro as a geopolitical policy to prevent economic development of sovereign nation-states in Europe following German reunification laid the basis for the catastrophic results we are witnessing now, counterposing it to the economic development programs of the international Schiller Institute and the BüSo.
EIR will feature coverage of the conference in a coming issue.