Lebanese-Syrian Nun Talks About
What's Really Going On in Syria
Nov. 13, 2013 (EIRNS)—On Nov. 12, LaRouche PAC's Lena Platt interviewed Mother Agnes-Mariam, Mother Superior at the Monastery and Convent of St. James the Mutilated in Qara, Syria. Mother Agnes-Mariam is currently touring the United States and Great Britain, and is presently scheduled to visit Cleveland, Denver, Lincoln, Neb., New York, New Jersey, and Washington.
Mother Agnes-Mariam has been a prominent international voice against the atrocities being carried out by foreign jihadis in Syria, and has gruesome pictures and stories to tell. In the course of the half-hour interview, she stressed the way in which the Syrian situation reflects "a total collapse of civilization, and total collapse of the international institutions, beginning with the United Nations. I believe that today, the law is a vector of the most powerful: The most powerful will impose its own reading, and its own application of the laws, following its own interests.
"And like this, we have a constant breaching of the international laws, or a constant amendment of the international laws—I mean amendment that seek to bypass the international law, for example, the 'to protect,' or other amendment. And like this, what we are experiencing, is the total inversion of the international equilibrium into real oppression and real threat to the sovereignty of states, where there is no more immunity even on an international level."
A video of the interview video is available at the LaRouche PAC website. The transcript will appear in the upcoming issue of EIR Online.