Global War Danger Still on the Table
Nov. 13, 2013 (EIRNS)—Asked during his Nov. 8 webcast about the ongoing discussions about Iran's nuclear program, of the P5+1 in Geneva—which at that time were reported to be headed for a possible interim agreement—Lyndon LaRouche emphasized that this is a "very complicated" situation:
"You have to put it in perspective, because already the situation is dangerous without this [the Iran negotiations] being brought into play. I could be a solution, technically—possibly—apart from what Israel is doing."
"Besides, we're all on the edge of thermonuclear war. Therefore, bringing out some little petty issue, like Obama's problems and so forth, is really not too important right now, because we've reached the point that we're on the verge of a Guns of August situation. And this is much worse than the Guns of August, obviously, because this is thermonuclear."
Subsequently, the Geneva negotiations were sabotaged, ostensibly by the intervention of the French government, which cited the concerns of the Israelis, and which had just conferred with the other major opponent of resolving the nuclear issue with Iran, Saudi Arabia. Yet an agreement was reached by the IAEA with Iran, on some former sticking points on inspections, and a schedule is laid out for future meetings to resolve outstanding problems.
According to U.S. intelligence sources, there is a raging fight behind the scenes in Britain over the fact that Saudi Arabia is moving to obtain its own nuclear weapons from Pakistan, and could secure that nuclear weapons arsenal regardless of Iran's status. The Saudi effort, which was broadcast Nov. 6 on BBC's Newsnight, raises the potential for that nation, a British puppet, to play the role of "breakaway ally," especially since it had recently made a big show of its differences with the United States, ostensibly over the U.S.'s refusal to go ahead with the bombing campaign against Syria.
In response to the Saudi story, Lyndon LaRouche commented that the emphasis should not be on Iran or Saudi Arabia as such, but the fact that, given the extreme instability in the trans-Atlantic world today, any use of thermonuclear weapons will lead to a global thermonuclear war.