LaRouche: Ukraine Decision Is
'Readjustment for Survival'
Dec. 4, 2013 (EIRNS)—Despite intense EU pressure, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych maintained his government's position during the Nov. 29 summit between the EU and East European countries in Vilnius (Lithuania), and refused to sign the free-trade agreement that would devastate his nation's remaining industry. He has stressed that Ukraine should only integrate the EU as "an equal partner."
And in the face of NGO-spurred mass demonstrations, the President went on his pre-scheduled visit to China, where he's expected to sign a slew of economic deals—indicating his priority on securing the nation's future.
The Ukrainian turn to the East is a potential game-changer in the overall strategic picture, as Lyndon LaRouche pointed out. As the entire trans-Atlantic region sinks ever deeper into poverty and economic decline in an attempt to save a hopelessly bankrupt financial system, more and more leaders are looking for a way out.
In his Nov. 29 webcast, LaRouche said that the Ukrainian decision to reconsider integration with the EU is part of a larger dynamic of a "complete new definition of civilization," which is a process. The world is currently divided in two parts, he said. On the one side, we have Asia with a positive dynamic, while on the other side the trans-Atlantic region is disintegrating. Ukraine cannot accept being gobbled up by Western Europe, "because its population would go through a death spiral."
Therefore, Ukraine is looking to Russia and to Asia because these are areas of real economic growth. Thus, "the trend is to move to a Eurasian orientation, which probably will draw in Germany, and if so, it will also involve Switzerland and Austria and so forth. So we're looking at a grand scheme underway." How it will turn out, is not predetermined.
Germany is key to the strategic outcome, LaRouche has stressed repeatedly, because its future lies in helping to develop Eurasia. The stakes were the same in the early 1990s, after the breakup of the Soviet Union, but at that time, Germany walked into the trap of the Maastricht Treaty, and the euro.
Today, LaRouche said, whereas the United States and the Eurozone under current conditions are doomed, the orientation toward Eurasian development again offers a different perspective, and Europe and Germany could decide to be part of it. The United States as well, provided it dumps Wall Street and President Obama, should go for development of the trans-Pacific region, reaching Asia from the other side.