Rogers Campaign Shakes
Texas, and Washington
Feb. 26, 2014 (EIRNS)—The publication of a poll taken of likely Democratic voters by the University of Texas/Texas Tribune, has the political class in that state, and in Washington, shaking in their boots. The poll of 1,200 people, taken between Feb. 7 and 17, showed LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers beating her four opponents in the Democratic Primary for U.S. Senate, to be held March 4, by a wide margin—35%, compared to 27% for the No. 2 candidate, millionaire David Alameel. Already, the Democratic party has escalated its e-mail campaign telling Texans not to vote for Kesha.
What the results show is that Rogers' message—demanding the impeachment of Obama and the immediate dumping of Wall Street with Glass-Steagall—is resonating with Democratic voters statewide, just as it did in the Congressional district where she won the Democratic primaries in 2010 and 2012. A spate of newspaper articles, by and large devoted to trying to mobilize the opposition, has followed the poll, reaching all the way to the Daily Mail of Great Britain.
Clearly, major skulduggery will be used to try to prevent a Rogers win on March 4. What's not clear is whether, in this anti-Obama climate, the powers-that-be can get away with it.