Kesha Rogers Heads to
Senate Runoff in Texas
March 6, 2014 (EIRNS)—President Barack Obama, Wall Street, and the Democratic Party took a big hit in the Texas Democratic Primary on March 4, as the results demonstrate an unmistakable reality: The vast majority of Texans—as well as Americans overall—want Obama out of the White House, the sooner the better. It is this reality that put LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers into the runoff in the race for the Democratic Party nomination for the U.S. Senate, as she ran an intense and focused campaign on the existential issue of impeaching Obama immediately.
Rogers, who twice has won the Democratic nomination for Congress in the 22nd C.D. of Texas, is well-known, not only for her calls for Obama's impeachment, but for her advocacy for a return to Franklin Roosevelt's Glass-Steagall banking regulation, to crush the power of the Wall Street bankers, and a revival of great projects, including the building of the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) to reverse the devastating drought; expanded funding for NASA; and the development of thermonuclear fusion power.
Despite millions of dollars spent to defeat her, and a campaign of vilification, dictated by the Obama team, Rogers received over 110,000 votes, for 21.7%, while her principal opponent, David Alameel, received 47%, with 32% shared among the other three candidates. Because no candidate received over 50% of the vote, a runoff election will take place on May 27.
Speaking to her supporters after the results were released, Rogers said:
"Now, we have to finish the job. The stakes are too high—the longer Obama remains in office, the greater danger the human race will be extinguished, by a thermonuclear war, provoked by him." She added that the results of the primary show that we have entered the "post-Obama era."
In mobilizing her supporters for the runoff campaign, she said, "From here, we have to communicate that we intend to build the future, by reviving the legacy of the great President John F. Kennedy. We will transform the nation through a Texas-California alliance, through my collaboration with my colleague on the LaRouchePAC Policy Committee, Michael Steger, who is running for Congress against Nancy Pelosi in California's 12th C.D. This collaborative effort is committed to defeating the drought with NAWAPA, and securing the future through the advancement of science and technology.
"But it all begins with getting that puppet of the genocidal Queen of England impeached."