Zepp-LaRouche Brings BRICS to U.S. Doorstep
Nov. 20, 2014 (EIRNS)—Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed an overflow crowd of more than 100 people, most of them youth, gathered in Mexico City for a seminar titled "A Life or Death Choice Between Two Systems: The BRICS and the Scientific-Economic Revolution That Will Change the World."
Zepp-LaRouche brought the message to this U.S. neighbor in the midst of political upheaval, telling them that the revolution centered around China’s New Silk Road initiative and the BRICS nations’ fight for development, is grounds for optimism for Mexico, and for humanity as a whole.Civilization stands "at a cross-road, where the future fate of mankind is completely open," she stated. "The evil system of the British Empire, of Wall Street, of London, exists still. But in reality, they are finished already. It is only a question if they will be able to pull the world down with them, in a catastrophe or not. But there is the optimistic perspective, that of the new power center" around the BRICS countries and those countries associating with them, the majority of mankind, a new world economic order, which can usher in "a completely new phase in the history of civilization," in which humanity will "build and extend infrastructure into nearby space," through space colonization and space development.
The seminar was organized by the LaRouche Citizens Movement of Mexico (MOCILA), and webcast internationally by EIR to listeners in Spain, in at least 10 other Ibero-American countries (including at two universities in Colombia and a meeting in Guatemala City), and in the United States.
It took place in the midst of a London-led effort to trigger a "color revolution" to overthrow the Peña Nieto government of Mexico, which had dared reach out to China and the BRICS as allies against the Wall Street and London interests who run the drug trade. It took a political fight to even find a place in which to hold a conference on the BRICS in Mexico, and the very day it was held, anarchist forces were turned back by the police from Mexico City’s international airport, which they were intent on occupying, preparatory to mass marches in the late afternoon.
Universities have been the center of turmoil, dominated by wild radicalism, but MOCILA organizers sparked great interest among serious thinkers with the bold posters announcing the BRICS seminar, which they plastered across several of Mexico City’s biggest campuses. Two-thirds of the attendees at the seminar were university students (who paid to attend), including a contingent who came from Santiago de Querétaro—a city still four hours away from Mexico City until the planned high-speed rail line is built. Youth dominated the question-and-answer period.
Zepp-LaRouche was the main speaker on the first panel of the four-hour seminar. A Russian Embassy attache scheduled to speak on the first panel had to send his regrets, due to illness. Gabriela Cedillo, General Coordinator of the Mexican edition of China Today, the magazine published in six languages founded by Sun Yat Sen’s widow, Soong Ching-Ling, spoke, giving people a sense of the development revolution taking place in China, and the Chinese view of the BRICS as extending that to the world. China doesn’t have only 5-year plans, but is planning for 50 years ahead, as seen in the Three Gorges dam, its rail system, its establishment of a presence in space. It has not been easy, it has been a fight, but it is on the right path. She invited Mexican students to study Chinese, and apply for scholarships to study in China—and join its space program; and Mexican companies to go sell to China.
Gerardo Castilleja of the MOCILA led the second panel, on Ibero-America and Mexico’s relationship to the BRICS; José Carlos Soto of the Spain LaRouche Movement, spoke on saving Spain, and Southern Europe from destruction under the Troika (the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and the European Commission), posing the relations between the BRICS as the model for a Europe freed from the Troika; and Dennis Small, of the U.S. LaRouche movement, spoke on the strategically decisive issue of getting the United States, too, to jump ship from the Titanic, and return to its own Hamiltonian roots by joining with the BRICS, exactly as Chinese President Xi Jinping has offered.
Underlying several of the questions was the difficulty people have in conceiving of governments and peoples who are acting out of love of humanity, concerned with securing the betterment of the other, as well as for themselves. Are the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) another type of geopolitical formation? Do the BRICS have a different kind of security policy, as well as economic? How can we protect the interests of indians, women, and of the environment? All of which allowed for a profound discussion throughout the seminar of the oligarchic, bestial concept of Man, vs. the actual identity of the human species as the only willfully-creative species, based on love of mankind.