LaRouche Demands Criminal Prosecution of Cheney, Obama
Dec. 30, 2014 (EIRNS)—Lyndon LaRouche today joined a growing chorus of leading American voices demanding the criminal prosecution of former Vice President Dick Cheney, his former Counsel David Addington and others responsible for the Bush Administration’s torture program. LaRouche was the first leading American figure to demand Cheney’s prosecution and impeachment, dating back to August 2002. However, at the time, corrupt leaders of both the Democratic and Republican parties agreed to take impeachment off the table.
LaRouche also demanded the impeachment and criminal prosecution of President Barack Obama for his complicity after the fact in covering up the crimes of torture committed during the previous administration under Cheney’s personal direction. “We cannot allow these extreme Constitutional violations and violations of international law to go unpunished, if we are to survive as a nation,” LaRouche warned.
On Dec. 21, the Editorial Board of the New York Times sharply denounced President Obama for covering up the torture and refusing to prosecute. The same editorial demanded that Cheney, Addington, and a number of other top officials of the Bush-Cheney Administration, including officials of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, who authored the “torture memo” justifying violations of international law, including the Geneva Conventions, be criminally prosecuted. Citing the unclassified 524-page executive summary of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report on the post-9/11 torture program, the Times editorial called these actions “depraved and illegal.”
LaRouche demanded the appointment of an independent counsel with full authority to investigate and prosecute current and former top government officials who ordered these crimes against humanity, and others who actively covered up the crimes.
“As one of the surviving 16 million Americans who served in World War II and fought to defeat a Hitler Nazi regime that committed unspeakable crimes against humanity, I can speak with special authority,” LaRouche concluded. Bringing these criminals to justice is the ultimate test of whether our nation has the moral fitness to survive. To tolerate and cover up such heinous actions, conducted on such a large scale, by elements of our own government, is itself a crime against our nation’s principles, enshrined in our Constitution.”