LaRouche Hails Stunning Greek Electoral Repudiation of Troika
Jan. 26, 2015 (EIRNS)—The results of Sunday’s Greek elections, in which Syriza won a near-landslide victory and will form a new government with Independent Greeks and other parties, was a stunning and powerful repudiation of the murderous austerity policies imposed on Greece by the Troika of the European Central Bank, the European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund.
Upon being informed of the Greek vote, Lyndon LaRouche called it a “profound victory that can secure a shift in the entire European and trans-Atlantic situation.” LaRouche noted that the outpouring of the Greek people to repudiate the Troika’s austerity regime was one of several recent developments that can rapidly bring down the failed euro system altogether. He cited the recent decision by the Swiss National Bank to decouple the Swiss franc from the euro, which triggered significant derivatives losses by major Wall Street and City of London banks.
LaRouche noted that the Greek vote will have a “big impact on Germany. Merkel and company are in a tough situation, pretending to control things in Europe, but in reality, they have no control and the Greek vote proves it. They will be shaken hard, and will not be able to pretend that the austerity policies are working.”
“This is great,” LaRouche concluded, adding that “the enemy of humanity is being damaged and everyone should be happy.”