Helga Zepp-LaRouche Presents Land-Bridge Report in Europe
Feb. 4, 2015 (EIRNS)—The second in the series of EIR seminars to present the EIR Special Report on the New Silk Road, which took place in Frankfurt, Germany, on Jan. 29, was a resounding success, as the main speaker there, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, was able to break through the pessimism and fear that tend to dominate the population, including among the select audience invited to attend the event. Among the attendees were representatives from China, Russia, Egypt, Chad, and Iran, as well as German nationals working in/with those countries as businessmen and consultants.
Just as successful was the first seminar two days earlier in Berlin dedicated to “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge,” the report which Zepp-LaRouche herself had commissioned from EIR. She was joined at the podium in Berlin by a representative of the Chinese Cultural Institute, who responded enthusiastically to the perspective she had laid out. Another seminar was held in Paris on Feb. 3, and one in Munich Feb. 11.
At both events, Zepp-LaRouche first briefed the audience on the current dangers, before giving a concise overview of the projects and plans decided on by the BRICS countries, as well as by Egypt and Latin American countries, in particular, exposing the stark contrast between the perspective of those countries and that of the European Union, which is obsessed with bailing out the bankrupt financial system, at all costs.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche was also the featured speaker at a diplomatic seminar held in the Russian Cultural Center in Copenhagen on Jan. 30, on the theme: “Economic development, and cooperation among nations, or, economic collapse, war and terror? The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land Bridge.” In addition to Zepp-LaRouche, embassy officials from three of the five BRICS nations gave speeches, Russia, China and South Africa, while a Brazilian official intervened during the discussion. Representatives from 13 embassies participated, along with Danish businessmen, and Schiller Institute activists.
On Feb. 3, Russia’s official wire service TASS put out a substantial story on an interview it did with Mrs. LaRouche in Copenhagen, in which she not only outlined the war danger and solution, but laid out the fight to return the United States to its republican roots.