Lyndon and Helga LaRouche
Featured Speakers at Los Angeles
Event Commemorating the
End of World War II in Asia
Aug. 25, 2015 (EIRNS)—A two-day symposium, sponsored by the County of Los Angeles, the U.S.-China Forum, the U.S.-China Institute of Southern California, and the Southern California Committee to Commemorate the End of World War II on August 14-15, featured video presentations from both Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, along with contributions by a number of Chinese-American academics.
The first day's discussions centered on the topic of the lessons of the war, and how to build a lasting peace. Helga Zepp-LaRouche's speech, which focussed on the New Silk Road/Land-Bridge policy as a means of defeating geopolitics and the threat of war, was shown after another presentation on China's "One Belt-One Road" policy, and engendered a significant amount of discussion. LaRouche associate Daniel Platt fielded the questions addressed to what Mrs. LaRouche had presented.
Lyndon LaRouche's video remarks opened the second day of the symposium, and emphasized his view of the crucial role which China is playing, and what changes—including the removal of President Obama from office—were required to bring the United States in sync with the development dynamic being led by China and the BRICS.
Following the symposia, there was a ceremony honoring World War II veterans, which drew 150 people, and saw the presentation of medals to a number of the veterans and their families, some of whom were from China, in appreciation of their service.