Obama Organized an Act of War
Nov. 24 (EIRNS)—Lyndon LaRouche today responded to the Turkish shoot-down of a Russian fighter plane by declaring that "Obama organized an act of war, and has thus endangered the United States, as well as all of humanity."
Qualified American figures have emphasized, in the immediate wake of the Turkish actions, that Turkey's President Erdogan would never have taken this action if he did not know, in advance, that he had tacit support from Obama. Those sources observed that Obama was furious over the weekend that the French government, under tremendous popular pressure, was moving towards a real alliance with Russia to destroy ISIS. In stark contrast to that sane French response to the Paris attacks of Nov. 13, Obama has renewed his demands that the ouster of Syrian President Bashar Assad must happen immediately, and must precede the actions against the Islamic State.
LaRouche called for Obama's immediate removal from office.
Obama's actions constitute a potential act of war, and he must be kicked out of office. Otherwise, making any further excuses for Obama, in light of the events of today, poses a threat to all of the world, because it could lead to general war.
LaRouche added that "the prospect of impeachment is hanging in the air."