Russian Conference Hears LaRouche Greeting, Zepp-LaRouche Presentation on Silk Road
Dec. 22, 2015 (EIRNS)—The 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Problems of Sustained Development in the System "Nature - Society - Man" opened yesterday at Dubna State University in the Moscow Region, near Russia’s capital. This year’s conference title is "Problems of Measuring and Managing Sustained Development in the Face of Global Challenges, Risks and Threats," with a special focus on the significance and potential of China’s Silk Road Economic Belt for all Eurasia. Greetings to the conference from American economist Lyndon LaRouche and a video-taped speech by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche were highlights of the opening plenary session.
The Dubna conferences were initiated in 2010 by Prof. Boris Bolshakov, a close associate of the late Pobisk Kuznetsov, a Russian visionary scientist and organizer of industry, who in the last years of his life became a friend and dialogue partner of LaRouche. Officially held by the P.G. Kuznetsov International School of Sustained Development, the conference was hosted by Dubna State University and co-sponsored by the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Russian Academy of Engineering, and the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences. Upwards of 200 people took part over the two days, with attendance from several regions of Russia, as well as Belarus and Kazakhstan.
LaRouche’s greetings emphasized "the special task and responsibility of science to provide the human race with a perspective for a sustainable existence as a galactic species," citing the exemplary work of Academician Vladimir Vernadsky. This was one of two messages presented during the opening of the conference, the other being from Ms. Na Jinhua, president of the Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, China.
During the plenary session, Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s video on the Silk Road electrified the audience. Recorded in November for conferences in Colombia and Mexico, as well as the Dubna conference, it was presented in Dubna under the title "The Strategic Significance of the New Silk Road." When the video ended, most of the audience burst into applause, except for one destabilized person who jumped up and demanded,
"What does China’s rapid development have to do with anything? If we abolished what we’re spending on entitlements and pensions in Russia, we would have fast growth, too!"
This deranged, but not atypical outburst was cut short by Prof. Bolshakov, who ordered the speaker to put his objections in writing and send them to Zepp-LaRouche.
The plenary also featured a presentation by Prof. Vyacheslav Chesnokov, scientific secretary of the Russian Academy of Sciences Commission on the Study of Academician V.I. Vernadsky’s Legacy, on the 100th anniversary of Vernadsky’s Commission for the Study of Natural Productive Forces (KEPS), a project whose influence on the industrial development of Russia abides to this day.
During the panel discussions, several papers discussed the emergence of the noösphere. Also noteworthy were contributions by Russian speakers on the scientific incompetence of the 1992 Rio accords on "sustainable development" and the just-concluded COP21 climate agreement reached in Paris. Prof. Nikolai Petrov, speaking on "Climate Change on Earth from the Standpoint of the Law of Preservation of Life in the Cosmos," presented the record of natural, non-anthropogenic climate change over millennia.
The second day of the conference included a panel titled "Planning the Financial System of the Future World," on which the lead presentation was a video-recorded talk by Rachel Douglas of EIR on the transatlantic breakdown and the alternative of Hamiltonian credit systems, with a focus on LaRouche’s "Four Laws" outline for solving the current crisis.