The Hindu Runs Helga Zepp-LaRouche Interview on Eve of G20
Sept. 2, 2016 (EIRNS)—The Hindu, India’s second-largest English language newspaper with a circulation of 1.5 million, has published an interview with Schiller Institute Co-Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche. The interview took place when Helga LaRouche was in China, attending the T20 pre-meeting of 20 global think-tanks preceding G20 Summit Sept. 4-5.
The "exclusive interview" on the eve of the G20 summit in Hangzhou begins with Mrs. LaRouche’s assertion that "China’s Belt and Road connectivity initiative, which bears a strong imprint of the Eurasian Land Corridor—a blueprint conceived by the Schiller Institute—should be followed by a World Land-Bridge that will link North America with the New Silk Road."
The Hindu says she made the point that "the World Land-Bridge is the natural sequel to the Eurasian Land Bridge, the "mega-connectivity initiative" to revive the Silk Road in all its aspects, including the cultural and civilizational characteristics.
The article reports that Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche made these points:
She stressed that international terrorism, migration to Europe, and the refugee crisis, cannot be solved "unless the destroyed societies of West Asia and North Africa are rebuilt in the spirit of the Abbasid period in Iraq, insisting that the region, not any one country, must be rebuilt;
Provisioning water is a top priority to rebuild this arid region, premised on use of the most advanced forms of nuclear energy, including floating nuclear plants;
A tunnel under the Bering Strait, which Russian President Putin supports, could connect Russia with Alaska, and lay the foundation for a World Land Bridge;
New cities must be built, "mirroring the great tradition of Baghdad of the Abbasid period as "the only way to counter terrorism, because you have to give young people hope not to join Jihad. That is the way to resolve the refugee problem."
Helga LaRouche said that there must be better coordination among the leaders of the BRICS within the G20 framework, and that the energy committee of the BRICS must undertake a "crash program" to develop thermonuclear fusion.
She said that the Land-Bridge concept emerged after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, and the crumbling of the former Soviet Union, and "the most obvious thing was to enlarge this conception of connectivity to linking the centers of Europe with those of Asia. "We looked at the routes, and saw the trans-Siberian railroads as an obvious corridor, so we enlarged this and called it the "Land-Bridge Proposal.
"We were very happy when President Xi announced the New Silk Road. Whether it was an independent Chinese initiative, or we had something to do with it, I have no idea. Ideas are important, because ideas are what change history,"
she said