Helga Zepp-LaRouche Presents New Silk Road Paradigm at Peace Conference in Germany
Oct. 31, 2016 (EIRNS)—The German Schiller Institute’s president Helga Zepp-LaRouche was a leading speaker on a panel on the future of relations between Europe, the United States, and Russia, taking place on Oct. 30 at the conference "The Great Peace" in Auerstedt, Germany. Other speakers at the panel were Prof. Gerhard Schreiber (Dresden), a longtime expert on military strategy at numerous top assignments at pre-1989 East German army institutes and presently a consultant on security policies; Prof. Natalya Bubnova, expert on Russian relations to the West, working at the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations in Moscow; Klaus-Dieter Boehm, director of the private station Salve.TV in Erfurt (the only German TV station that runs news items from RT on a regular basis). The conference site of Auerstedt, near the city of Jena in Thuringia, was the scene of a major battle in 1806 at which Napoleon’s armies defeated the Prussian armies. "The Great Peace " was held for the fourth time there.
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche had already presented the New Silk Road and World Land-Bridge when numerous initiatives were introduced on Saturday afternoon, showing a short video clip on that, which was well received by the audience. She again went into the importance of the new paradigm to replace the acute threat of nuclear war, on the Sunday panel. This threat is originating from the fact that the trans-Atlantic financial system is doomed, and that certain Western leaders refuse to enter cooperation with the Chinese and the BRICS. She also warned that U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has turned into a complete hawk in the recent period, that her election poses the risk of a world war considerably. Professor Schreiber, who spoke on the post-1990 history of NATO build-up and expansion against Russia, with particular reference to the detrimental role of the European Union, including the triggering of the Ukraine crisis, endorsed the "One Belt One Road" policy as a peace-building new paradigm which should be joined by Europe, saying at one point that "it is because U.S. policy is against the New Silk Road, that the Americans hate you so much, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche."
Prof. Bubnova, who spoke on the false images the West has built up on Russia but also voiced concern over Russia’s being drawn into a strategic confrontation, said in respect to U.S. dreams about continued world hegemony that it won’t work, because larger parts of the world disagree and do not want to go where the United States tells them to go. Schreiber also made a strong case of multipolarity as being the future of the world, replacing the unipolar period which has obtained since the collapse of the Soviet bloc 25 years ago. Guenther Boehm spoke on the U.S. hand behind bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, and IS, saying that these have been built up to provide a new enemy image after the Soviet enemy had disappeared after 1990.