Helga Zepp-LaRouche Launches BüSo Election Campaign in Berlin: How Germany Can Join the New Paradigm
April 23, 2017 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave a keynote address yesterday in Germany’s capital Berlin, to launch the Federal election campaign of the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (BüSo), the party she founded in 1992. Bringing Germany into the New Silk Road paradigm will be the leading theme of the campaign, as Zepp-LaRouche is leading the Berlin slate of eleven candidates into the Sept. 24 general election. Germany’s destiny will not be determined by interior forces, but by putting on the table the only available option for a strategic change, which is so urgently needed in Germany, she said.
Having freshly returned from the strategically important conference in New York City, Zepp-LaRouche gave a timeline of how the British war faction has temporarily captured President Trump, who had previously stated his opposition to the regime change wars of his two predecessors. This development is gravely dangerous, she emphasized, but there can be a swing-back, which will see a cooperation between Trump, Putin and Xi, outflanking the British war drive. The Germans have yet to overcome a profound mental block, failing to see the still positive potential of the Trump Presidency.
Zepp-LaRouche gave an extensive historical tour of the international LaRouche networks. The entire world dynamic is set to realize the win-win cooperation model of the new Silk Road Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, which cannot be pushed back or swept under the rug. She challenged the participants to join with the BüSo to change Germany’s strategic orientation, away from the British wars, towards the Belt and Road Initiative. "I firmly believe this can be achieved," she said.
There are no "values" in the West anymore—to accomplish our objective, we have to become truth-seekers, and embrace the ideas of Schiller, Nikolaus of Cusa, and Confucius, who all agreed on the principle of becoming wise by the ennoblement of the soul. The power of the BüSo ideas will be a decisive force in the German election, as we can expect sudden and unforeseen changes.
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche was followed by special guest Harley Schlanger, who spoke of how Trump has shocked the trans-Atlantic elites with his election victory. Since his election, he has talked about defending labor, by getting back to the American System, reinstalling Glass-Steagall, ending the regime change wars, and getting back to a science-based outlook. This is why the British have attacked him so viciously, and why they set a trap for him in Syria. The British can see the shadow of LaRouche in these ideas, and are desperate to prevent their realization—but they are also bankrupt! LaRouche has called for Trump to meet immediately with Putin, while Helga Zepp-LaRouche has emphasized also the importance of Trump attending the summit in Beijing. We must bring in LaRouche’s policies, to shape a positive agenda for Trump, and for Germany—We need powerful ideas presented with passion to wake up the Germans from their hibernation, he concluded.
The event was opened by two Bach chorales, performed beautifully by a quartet of BüSo activist singers. There were also presentations by candidates of the party slate for Berlin, including Leona Meyer Kasai, Stefan Ossenkopp, Jonathan Thron, who reported on his work in the Jacques Cheminade Presidential campaign in France, and Wolfgang Lillge.