China Daily Features Zepp-LaRouche Call for Trump to Join BRI Forum
May 5, 2017 (EIRNS)—"Trump Encouraged to Attend Belt-Road Forum," China Daily reported today, citing Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche on the benefits to world peace of the U.S. President doing so.
"The best would be if President Trump would attend the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing in person," Zepp-LaRouche told China Daily USA New York reporter Wang Linyan, in an interview published today. "The second best would be a second personal summit between him and President Xi Jinping immediately afterwards in China."
Zepp-LaRouche emphasized the multiple benefits that would be generated by the United States joining the "gigantic dynamic" developing around "the biggest" infrastructure program in history.
"Only if the U.S. joins the initiative is there a way to overcome geopolitics, which was the cause of two world wars in the 20th century. Once the institutional forces in the US recognize that it is more in the interest of American industry, jobs and society in general than to be outside of the initiative, a potential Thucydides’ trap or a war over hot spots can be avoided,"
she said.
She elaborated on how the resulting economic benefits would "help to rejuvenate the American economy," while the two nations could participate in joint ventures around the world.
Rushing to throw cold water on such a bold move by President Trump was none other than the dean of the Wharton School, a notorioU.S. outpost of British intelligence and imperial neoliberal economics ensconced at the University of Pennsylvania. American companies may participate, "investment liberalization" talks go ahead, etc., etc., Dean Geoffrey Garrett told China Daily; but President Trump joining the Belt and Road initiative: oh no.