The LaRouche Connection

Master Program List: 1993
80 - 131

* indicates program no longer available

Updated Dec. 26, 2009

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 80   "Save Somalia With Development!"
           Studio Interview:
           Host: Mel Klenetsky:
           Guest: Dennis Speed, Co-Founder, Committee for a New Africa Policy (on what a real economic development 
                      policy for Africa must be):
           Guest:  Joseph Brewda, Middle East Editor, EIR (on IMF policy in Somalia)
           Dec. 22, 1992

 81  "Upcoming Civil Wars in the Former Soviet Union"
          Press Conference:
          Brig. Gen. Paul-Albert Scherer (ret.), former head of MAD (German Military Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Service).
          National Press Club. Washington, DC.
          May 6, 1992

 82   "Trilateral President:"
           Lecture: "The Men Who Rule Bill Clinton; Their Ideology and Their Policies"
           Harley Schlanger, Southern States Director for Lyndon LaRouche
           Houston, TX
           Early Nov., 1992

 83   "The Ugly Truth About the Anti Defamation League"
           Book Release Press Conference:
          Jeffrey Steinberg, EIR Counterintelligence Editor
          National Press Club
          Washington, DC
          Jan. 14, 1993

 84*  "The Testing of Bill Clinton"
           Harley Schlanger, Southern States Director for Lyndon LaRouche
           Houston, TX
           Jan. 29, 1993 (air date)

 85   "The Cold Fusion Revolution"
           Studio Interview:
           Guest: Carol White, Editor-in-Chief, 21st Century Science & Technology
      Feb. 3, 1993 (air date)

 86   "Where Does Justice Come From?"
           Rev. James Bevel, civil rights leader
           Baton Rouge, LA.
           Jan. 18, 1993

 87  "On the Danger of World War III"
          Harley Schlanger, Southern States Director for Lyndon LaRouche
          Houston, TX
          Feb. 17, 1993 (air date)

 88   "How to Stop World War III in the Balkans"
           Studio Interview:
           Host Webster Tarpley
Guest: Srecko Jurdana, Croatian war journalist
           Guest: William Jones, EIR Washington Bureau Chief.
           Feb. 9, 1993

 89   "The Fascist Roots of Political Correctness"
           Host Webster Tarpley
Guest: Michael Minnicino, author/researcher.
           Feb. 23

 90   "The Problem With Populism"
          Gerry Rose

          LaRouche Movement Cadre School
          Leesburg, VA
          Feb. 20

 91   "The Imminent Worldwide Challenges of 1993"
         Press Conference:
         Brig.-Gen. Paul A. Scherer, former head of MAD (German Military Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Service)
         National Press Club, Washington, DC.
         March 9

 92   "The Franklin Cover-up: Satanism in Nebraska"
           Studio Interview::
           Host Al Douglas
Guest: John DeCamp, author and former Nebraska State Senator
           March 1

 93   "Why LaRouche Must Be Freed"
Press Conferences:
           Part I: "Travesty" book press conference
           Part II:  Parliamentarians press conference

 94   "LaRouche & the Strategic Defense Initiative"
           Conference Presentations:
           Jeffrey Steinberg
, Counterintelligence Editor, EIR
           Rachel Douglas, Russia & Eastern Europe Editor, EIR
           March 21

 95   "Travesty: A True Crime Story"
           Studio Interview:
           Host: Webster Tarpley
           Guest: Lewis DuPont Smith, kidnap target  
           Guest: Bruce Director, paralegal
          April 6

 96   "The Russians Put LaRouche's SDI on the Table"
           Press Conference:
           Jeffrey Steinberg, Counterintelligence Editor, EIR
           Paul Gallagher
           National Press Club, Washington, DC.
           April 15

 97   "What President Clinton Must Do"
            Studio Interview:
            Host: Webster Tarpley
            Guest: Kathleen Klenetsky, U.S. Affairs Editor, EIR
            Guest: Tony Wikrent, Economics staff writer, EIR.
            April 20

 98   "Stop Neocolonialism in Africa!"
           Book Release Press Conference: on Tiny Rowland
           Linda deHoyos
           Al Douglas
           National Press Club, Washington, DC.
           May 11

 99   "Waco: An ADL Holocaust?"
           Press conference
           Subject: the San Francisco police raids on the ADL, caught illegally obtaining police and  government files on 50
                        organizations and sold to South Africa and Israel. Plus the role of CAN and the ADL  in the Waco, Texas FBI raid.
          Webster Tarpley
          Jeffrey Steinberg
          Harley Schlanger
     National Press Club, Washington, DC.
          May 5, 1993

100   "Test Tube Murders: The Case of Charles Manson"
            Studio Interview:
            Host Nereida Cordero-Thompson
            Guest:  Karen Steinherz, author of a book by the same name.
            April 2

101   "An Appeal to Stop the War Against Bosnia"
            Studio Interview:
            Host: Webster Tarpley:
            Guest: Djenana Campara, a Bosnian Muslim
            Guest:  Zelkjo Milicevik, a Bosnian Croatian
            May 18

102   "The LaRouche Movement in Australia"
            Host: Al Douglas
            Guest: John Koehler, Citizens Electoral Councils
Guest: Ross Bensted, Citizens Electoral Councils
            Feb. 26

103   "The Perfidious History of the Anti-Defamation League"
            Studio Interview:
            Host: Webster Tarpley
            Guest: Jeffrey Steinberg,
Counterintelligence Editor, EIR
            Guest: Anton Chaitkin,

            June 1

104  "How the International Monetary Fund is Destroying Africa"
           Harley Schlanger, Southern States Director for Lyndon LaRouche
           Houston, TX.

105   "Tax the Derivatives Market, Not the Economy!"
            Studio Interview:
            Host: Webster Tarpley
            Guest: Marcia Merry
            Tony Wikrent
, Economics staff writer, EIR
            June 15

106   "Stop the U.N. Plans for a One-World Government!"
            EIR Seminar:
            Webster Tarpley, Joseph Brewda & Umberto Pascali.
            Embassy Row Hotel,
, DC.
             June 8

107   "Norplant: Freedom of Choice or a Plan for Genocide?"
            Studio Interview:
            Host: Webster Tarpley
Guest: Debra Freeman, PhD, LaRouche Health Policy Advisor.
            June 29

108   "Why Albert Pike's Statue Must Fall"
            On Location Rally:
            Tony Chaitkin, Dennis Speed, and Rosemarie Love.

            Albert Pike Statue
             Judiciary Square
, Washington, DC
             May 28

109   "How Environmental Hoaxes Kill People"
             Studio Interview:
             Host: Webster Tarpley
             Guest: Roger Maduro
, co-author of  The Holes in the Ozone Scare
             July 11

110  "The Rape of Bosnia"
            Harley Schlanger, Southern States Director for Lyndon LaRouche
            Houston, TX

111   "The LaRouche Case: A Russian View"
Studio Interview:
            Host: Webster Tarpley
            Guest: Viktor A. Kuzin,  former Moscow City Councilman, chairman, Human Rights Commission of the
                   Moscow City Council, and founding member, Democratic Union.
            July 27

112   "Break the Freemasonic Grip on American Politics!"
           Press Conference:
           Tony Chaitkin & Khushro Ghandhi.
           Washington, DC

113   "The Case of John Demjanjuk: The Corruption of the 'Nazi Hunters'"
            Studio Interview:
            Host: Mel Klenetsky
            Guest: Jeffrey Steinberg, Counterintelligence Editor, EIR 
            Guest: Joseph Brewda.
            August 10

114   "Who Controls the Children?"
            Topic: Parents’ rights vs. outcome-based education (OBE), which in New York City is better known as the Rainbow Curriculum
                      or children of the Rainbow. Traditional education vs. behavior modification.
           Peg Luksik, founder & chairman, Pennsylvania Parents Commission, and former 1992 Republican candidate for Gov. of Pennsylvania
                      and co-author, with Pamela Hobbs Hoffecker, of Outcome-Based Education: The State's Assault on our Children's Values

115   "Outcome-Based Education: Spiritual & Academic Child Abuse"
            Studio Interview:
            Host: Mel Klenetsky
            Guest: Doris Paige, Virginia public school teacher
            Guest: Leo Scanlon
            Aug. 24

116   "Interview with Dr. Jozef Miklosko"
Studio Interview:
Host: Webster Tarpley
            Guest: Dr. Jozef Miklosko, former Vice Premier of Czechoslovakia       
            August 2

117   "A Russian Human Rights Activist Looks at the LaRouche Case"
Press Conference:
            Webster Tarpley: introduces principle speaker
            Viktor A. Kuzin, former Russian Moscow City Councilman, chairman, Human Rights Commission of the
                   Moscow City Council, and founding member, Democratic Union.
            National Press Club. Washington, DC.
            July 29

118   "The Three Levels of Mathematics"
            Conference Presentation:
           Jonathan Tennenbaum, PhD, Director, Fusion Energy Forum, Wiesbaden, Germany.
           Sept. 5

119   "International Leaders Call for LaRouche's Freedom"
            Studio Interview:
            Guest: Cong. Fufino Saucedo, member of Human Rights Committee of Mexico's Chamber of Deputies & Member., PRI.
            Guest: Cong. Janos Denes, member of the Hungarian Parliament.
            Guest: Dr. Tibor Kovats, founder of POFOSZ, the Assoc. of Former Political Prisoners, Hungary.
            Guest: Dr. Josef Miklosko, former Vice Prime Minister, Czechoslovakia.
            Guest:  Prof. Kurt Ebert, Dean of the Institute for Austrian & German Legal History, Univ. of Innsbruck.
           Aug. 21

120   "Russia: Anarchy or Dictatorship?"
           Press Conference:
           Brig.-Gen. (ret.) Paul-Albert Scherer, former chief of West German Military Intelligence services.
           National Press Club.
          Washington, DC
           Sept. 29

121   "The Middle East Needs LaRouche's Oasis Plan!"
            Press Conference:
            Mel Klenetsky & Marcia Merry.
            Embassy Row Hotel
           Washington, DC.
           Sept. 23

122  "Demand Development for the Middle East"
           Harley Schlanger, Southern States Director for Lyndon LaRouche
           Houston, TX
           Oct. 13

123   "Yeltsin's Crackdown in Russia: an Eyewitness Report"
Studio Interview:
             Host Paul Gallagher
             Guest: Viktor A. Kuzin, former Moscow City Councilman, chairman, Human Rights Commission of the
                   Moscow City Council, and founding member, Democratic Union.
            Oct. 19

124   "Are Minnesota's Democrats the Most Corrupt in the Country?"
Studio Interview:
Host: William Jones
            Guest: John “Jack” Graham, Crowwing County, MN prosecutor
            Topic: Rampant corruption in the so-called squeaky-clean State of Minnesota, exposing the abuse of power by the political machine
                      of Skip Humphrey.
            Oct. 20

125   "Derivatives: the Cancer that Killed the American Economy"
Studio Interview:
            Host: Webster Tarpley
            Guest: John Hoefle, Economics writer, EIR
            Nov. 2

126   "The Classical War Against Multiculturalism"
           Conference Presentation:
           Topic: On the relationship between the American Negro spiritual and the Classical  music tradition.
           Dennis Speed
           Sept. 5

127   "The Campaign for Justice in Virginia"
Studio Interview:
Host: Webster Tarpley
            Guest: Nancy Spannaus, Editor-in-Chief, New Federalist: on her run for Governor of Virginia as an Independent
                       against Democrat Mary Sue Terry.
            Guest: Marje Hecht, Managing Editor, 21st Century Science & Technology: on her husband's jailing in Virginia
                      for 32 years for political organizing!
      Nov. 16

128   "Aristotle & the Origins of the New Dark Age"
            Conference Presentations:
           Gerald Rose: On Venice's creation of the Reformation and the counter-Reformation, and how they took over England with Freemasonry.
           Michael Minnicino: on post-modernism.
           Sept. 5

129   "Will There Still be Public Education in the Year 2000?"
           LaRouche Movement Cadre School Lecture:
           Topic: “On Outcome Based Education and the privatization of public education, which is the largest "industry" in the U.S.,
                  with spending of $600-700 billion a year.”
           Michael Minnicino
           Leesburg, VA
           Nov. 27

130   "Clinton's Crises"
            Topic: “The effects of the wrong policies under Bush and Clinton. The media, dominated by entertainment, as our nation lose
                        its national sovereignty, continues to lie about the present events which shape our lives.”
           Harley Schlanger, Southern States Director for Lyndon LaRouche
           Houston, TX
           Oct. 21

131   "Latin America at a Crossroads"
            Studio Interview:
            Topic:  “The recent Venezuelan election and the overall Latin American situation.”
            Host: Mel Klenetsky,
            Guest: Carlos Wesley,
            Guest: Gretchen Small,
            Dec. 14

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