The LaRouche Connection

Master Program List: 2001

Updated August 17, 2007

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489    "Election Crisis 2000: the Fall of Ozymandias"
            (re-run of 487)

490    "Save the Nation: Revive FDR-Kennedy Policies!"
            Lyndon LaRouche: video teleconference from Germany
            EIR Seminar. Washington, DC and New York, NY
            Jan. 3

491    "EIR Video Magazine: January 16, 2001"
            Host Tony Papert: On the Dangers of John Ashcroft
            Michael Billington & Nancy Spannaus: On Billington's political imprisonment (Dec. 12)
            Boston City Council: Hearing on a Resolution on Emergency Government Action to Reduce
            Oil and Natural Gas Prices (Dec. 4)
            Lyndon LaRouche: discussion session from EIR Seminar, Washington, DC (Jan. 3)
            Jan 16

492      "A Musical Tribute to the Dignity of Man"
            Part 1: Classical Music Concert. Schiller Institute. Houston, TX (Jan. 20)
                Host Harley Schlanger
                Debria Brown
                Doreceal Duckens
                William Warfield
                Sylvia Olden-Lee
            Part 2:  EIR Seminar. Washington, DC. (Jan. 3)
                Lyndon LaRouche: Discussion Session
            Jan. 24

493    "A Musical Tribute to the Dignity of Man," Pt. 2
            Part 1: Classical Music Concert. Schiller Institute. Houston, TX (Jan. 20)
                William Warfield
                Sylvia Olden-Lee
            Part 2:  EIR Seminar. Washington, DC (Jan. 3)
                Lyndon LaRouche: Discussion Session
            Jan. 30

494    "Election Crisis 2000: the Fall of Ozymandias," Pt. 2
            (re-run of Program No. 488)

495    "Who is Sparking a Religious War in the Middle East?"
            Jeffrey Steinberg: "Expose of networks seeking to provoke confrontation, particularly
                 around the Al-Aqsa Mosque"
            Discussion Session with Lyndon LaRouche: from Jan. 3 EIR Seminar
            Studio Production
            Feb. 13

496    "A Branch in the Road of History," Pt. 1
            Lyndon LaRouche: keynote address
            Schiller Institute Conference. Reston, VA
            Feb. 17

497   "A Branch in the Road of History," Pt. 2
            Lyndon LaRouche: keynote address conclusion
            Excerpts from Discussion Session with Lyndon LaRouche
            Schiller Institute Conference. Reston, VA
            Feb. 17

498   "EIR Video Magazine: March 8, 2001"
            Nancy Spannaus: "Battle to Save D.C. General Hospital"
            Tony Papert: "Outbreak of Hoff-and-Mouth Disease"
            Jeffrey Steinberg: "Hansen Espionage Case"
            Lyndon LaRouche: "How to Overcome the Bad Influence of Video Games"
            Studio Production
            March 8

499    "Beauty as a Necessary Condition for Mankind"
            Helga Zepp LaRouche: address
            Schiller Institute Conference. Reston, VA
            Feb. 18

500    "LaRouche's Policy for Worldwide Recovery"
            Excerpts from Coalition to Save DC General Hospital meeting on March 14
                Lynne Speed, Schiller Institute: "On the "Negro Removal" project to replace hospital
                Anton Chaitkin, EIR historian: "On the Federal City Council"
                Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, Nation of Islam, and meeting chairman
            Lyndon LaRouche: keynote address to EIR seminar in Berlin, Germany on March 5
501   "This Little Piggy Went to Market"
            Dennis Small: address
            Schiller Institute Conference. Reston, VA
            Feb. 18

503    "Conyers Hearing On D.C. General Hospital"
            Excerpts from Hearing, sponsored by Rep. John Conyers
                Rep. John Conyers (D-MI)
                Lynne Fagnani, vice-president, National Association of Public Hospitals & Health Systems
                Dr. Debra Hannania-Freeman, Doctor of Public Health, national spokeswoman for the 2004
                    Presidential campaign of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
                State Rep. Harold James (D-PA), former chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black
                    Caucus, and former President of the National Black Policy Association
                Charlene Gordon, RN -- registered nurse, 18-year employee at D.C. General Hospital
                State Rep. Erik R. Fleming (D-MS)
                Dr. Michal Ann Young, Medial and Dental Staff, D.C. Health & Hospitals Public Benefit Corp.
                    and director of neo-natology at D.C. General Hospital
                Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, founder and director, Abundant Life Clinic, and Health Minister
                    of the Nation of Islam
            Rayburn House Office Building. Washington, DC
            March 22

504   "Win the Battle to Save D.C. General Hospital!"
            Nancy Spannaus: "History of effort to privatize, and ultimately tear down D.C. General Hospital,
                as part of a genocidal "negro removal" re-development plan; as well as the effort to save it."
            Studio Production
            April 16

505   "The Demise of the Importer of Last Resort"
            Richard Freeman: address
            Schiller Institute Conference. Reston, VA
            Feb. 18

506    "Fight Escalates to Save D.C. General Hospital"
            Excerpts from Meeting of the Coalition to Save D.C. General Hospital
                Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, national spokesman for the Nation of Islam
                Joycelyn Elders, former Clinton Administration Surgeon General
                Kevin Chavous, D.C. City Councilman
                Phil Mendelson, D.C. City Councilman (does not appear on the edited version of the program)
                Dennis Speed, northeast coordinator for the Schiller Institute
                Rev. James Bevel, director of Direct Action for Martin Luther King, Jr.
                Dr. Simon Wilcox, past president of the Medial Staff of Aliquippa Community Hospital
                    of Beaver County, Pennsylvania
                Rev. Richard Boone, creator of the 1963 Birmingham Children’s' March
                Dr. Michal Ann Young, president of the Medical/Dental Staff, D.C. General Hospital
                Lynne Speed, spokeswoman for the Schiller Institute, and the Coalition
            Washington, DC
            April 8

507   "LaRouche in Dialogue With Russian Economists"
            Lyndon LaRouche: keynote address
            Dr. Sergei Glazyev, chairman of the Economic Policy Committee of the State Duma of the
                Russian Federation, and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
            Prof. Stanislav Menshikov, of the Central Mathematical Economics Institute of the Russian
                Academy of Sciences (CEMI)
            Discussion Session with Lyndon LaRouche and Sergei Glazyev
            Schiller Institute Conference. Bad Schwalbach, Germany
            May 4

508    "Celebrate Nicholas of Cusa's Birthday with a Dialogue of Cultures!"
            Helga Zepp LaRouche: address
            Schiller Institute Conference. Bad Schwalbach, Germany
            May 6

509   "Dialogue with LaRouche: Bad Schwalbach, Germany"
            Discussion Session with Lyndon LaRouche
            Schiller Institute Conference. Bad Schwalbach, Germany
            May 4

510    "In Defense of the General Welfare"
            Studio Report by host Tony Papert: "Russian Transport Minister's Announces Russia
                has created a Eurasian Transport Union" (May 29)
            Dr. Sergei Glazyev: interview by Rachel Douglas at Schiller Institute Conf. Bad Schwalbach.
            Charlene Gordon, RN: address to Schiller Institute Conf. Bad Schwalbach (May 5)
            Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad: address to Schiller Institute Conf. Bad Schwalbach (May 5)

511   "Win the Battle to Save D.C. General Hospital!"
            (Re-run of Program No. 504)

512    "LaRouche Address to the Schiller Institute in Poland"
            Lyndon LaRouche: address
            Schiller Institute of Poland
            Warsaw Polytechnic. Warsaw, Poland
            May 24

513   "EIR Video Magazine: June 18, 2001"
            Host Tony Papert: "Growing Momentum for the Eurasian Land-Bridge" (June 18)
            Elliot Greenspan, New Jersey Gubernatorial Candidate: interview (June 11)
            Excerpts from Coalition to Save D.C. General Hospital Meeting (June 13)
                State Rep. Erik Fleming (D-MS): reports on meetings with Members of Congress
                Amelia Boynton Robinson: recounts history of the right to vote in Selma Alabama
                Rev. James Bevel, former director of direct action for Martin Luther King:  "On Organizing"

514   "Vernadsky's Revolution in the Science of Life," Pt. 1
            Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum, director of the European Fusion Energy Forum: "What is Life?"
            Laurence Hecht, editor of {21st Century Science & Technology: on Louis Ampere's discovery of
                angular force, and on the identity of electricity and magnetism"
            Schiller Institute Conference. Bad Schwalbach, Germany
            May 6

515    "Vernadsky's Revolution in the Science of Life," Pt. 2
            Wolfgang Lille: "On the Science of Living Processes"
            Dino de Paoli: "On the Paradox that Human Thought, although not a form of energy,
                 can nevertheless change material processes"
            Schiller Institute Conference. Bad Schwalbach, Germany
            May 6

517    "LaRouche Address: Vicenza, Italy Chamber of Commerce"
            Lyndon LaRouche: address
            Chamber of Commerce. Vicenza, Italy
            July 3

518    "The Guns of August"
            Jeffrey Steinberg
            July 26, 2002

519    "How to Survive the Onrushing Global Financial Crash"
            Lyndon LaRouche: address (via video teleconference from Germany)
            EIR Seminar. Washington, DC
            July 24

 520   "Dialogue with LaRouche: July 24, 2001"
            Discussion Session with Lyndon LaRouche
            EIR Seminar. Washington, DC
            July 24

521    "LaRouche Address to Mexican Public Accountants"
            Lyndon LaRouche: address (via video teleconference from Germany)
            Seminar, sponsored by the National Institute of Public Accountants in the Service of the State
            Mexico City, Mexico
            Aug. 2

523  "The Eurasian Land-Bridge: A Mission for All Mankind"
            Lyndon LaRouche: keynote address
            Schiller Institute Summer Seminar
            Oberwesel, Germany
            Aug. 18

524  "You Have Nothing to Fear, So Much as Denial Itself!"
            Lyndon LaRouche: keynote address
            Schiller Institute Conference
            Reston, VA
            Sept. 1

525    "Deadly Covert Operation Threatens U.S. Coup d'Etat and War"
           Jeffrey Steinberg: "LaRouche's assessment of attacks on World Trade Center & Pentagon"
           Lyndon LaRouche: Conclusion of keynote address to Schiller Institute Conference. Sept. 1
            Sept. 14

526    "A Conversation with Lyndon LaRouche in a Time of Crisis"
            Lyndon LaRouche: studio interview, conducted by John Sigerson, managing editor for
            EIR magazine.
            Sept. 18

527    "The Eurasian Land-Bridge Determines Your Future"
            Helga Zepp LaRouche: keynote address
            Schiller Institute Conference
            Reston, VA
            Sept. 2

528    "LaRouche Address to Peruvian Engineers"
            Lyndon LaRouche: teleconference address
            Special Event, sponsored by the Economist Engineers chapter of the Peruvian Association
            of Engineers (CIP) and EIR magazine.
            Lima, Peru
            Oct. 2

529   "LaRouche in Dialogue with Peruvian Engineers"
            Lyndon LaRouche
: discussion session
             Special Event, sponsored by the Economist Engineers chapter of the Peruvian Association
            of Engineers (CIP) and EIR magazine.
            Lima, Peru
            Oct. 2

530   "Clash of Civilizations, or Great Projects?"
            Jeffrey Steinberg: Studio briefing on possibility of new general war, and Israel as a
                "breakaway ally."  Oct.
           Helga Zepp LaRouche: address: "The Eurasian Land-Bridge Determines Your Future"
            Schiller Institute Conference. Reston, VA. Sept. 2.

531    "A Time of Crisis, a Time of Opportunity"
            Jeffrey Steinberg: Studio report on assassination of Gen. Rehavam Ze-evi. Oct. 23.
            Lyndon LaRouche: teleconference address
          Special Event, sponsored by the Economist Engineers chapter of the Peruvian Association
            of Engineers (CIP) and EIR magazine. Lima, Peru. Oct. 2.

532    "It Only Smells Like the Island of Dr. Moreau"
            Stanley Ezrol: address
            Schiller Institute Conference
            Reston, VA
            Sept. 2

533    "Anthrax Terror Spotlights Destruction of Public Health"
            Tony Papert: studio report on quagmire which is the military operation in Afghanistan. Nov. 6
            Nancy Spannaus: presents contents of policy statement issued Oct. 28 by Lyndon LaRouche,
                entitled "Build a National Defense Against Germ Warfare."
            Marcia Merry Baker: address to meeting of the Coalition to Save D.C. General Hospital
                on the history of the build-up and destruction of the U.S. public health system.
            Washington, DC. Oct. 31.

534    "What To Do About the Economic-Financial Meltdown"
           Lyndon LaRouche: keynote address
            EIR Seminar
            Berlin, Germany
            Nov. 5

535    "LaRouche Medical Taskforce Discusses Public Health"
            Nancy Spannaus: host & moderator
            Lynne Speed
            Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad
            Charlene Gordon, RN
            Studio roundtable discussion
            Nov. 17

536    "LaRouche Address to BueSo Party Congress"
            Lyndon LaRouche: address
            Civil Rights Movement Solidarity Party Congress
            Mainz, Germany
            Nov. 17

537    "Are You Willing to Make the Change?
            Lyndon LaRouche: address
            Civil Rights Movement Solidarity  (BueSo) party congress
            Mainz, Germany
            Nov. 17

538    "The Suicidal Insanity of Ariel Sharon"
            Jeffrey Steinberg: briefing on Danger of World War. Dec. 3
            Scott Ritter, former U.N. weapons inspector: tears apart "bomb Iraq" idea. Dec. 7.
            Lyndon LaRouche: Q&A from BueSo party congress. Nov. 17.
            Dec. 13

539     "The Meteoric Rise and Fall of Enron"
           Jeffrey Steinberg, host and interviewer
            Harley Schlanger: Enron's Demise. Dec. 14
            John Hoefle: Enron's Final Phase. Dec. 15
            Dec. 21

540    "The Meteoric Rise and Fall of Enron"
           Jeffrey Steinberg, host and interviewer
            Harley Schlanger: Enron's Demise. Dec. 14
            John Hoefle: Enron's Final Phase. Dec. 15
            Dec. 27

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