Updated Jan. 25, 2008
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691 "Organizing the
Recovery from the Great Crash of 2007," Pt. 3
Debra Freeman: Event
Lyndon LaRouche:
Question from Discussion Session
LaRouche Political Action Committee
Nov. 16, 2006
692 "Begin
the New Economics!"
Debra Freeman: Event
Lyndon LaRouche: Opening remarks
LaRouche Political Action Committee
Washington, DC
Jan. 11, 2007
693 "International
Policy Implications of the Gore Hoax," Pt. 1
Debra Freeman: Event
Lyndon LaRouche: Opening
LaRouche Political Action Committee
March 7, 2007
694 "International Policy
Implications of the Gore Hoax," Pt. 2
Debra Freeman: Event
Lyndon LaRouche: Discussion
LaRouche Political Action Committee
Washington, DC
March 7, 2007
695 "International Policy
Implications of the Gore Hoax," Pt. 3
Debra Freeman: Event
Lyndon LaRouche: Discussion
LaRouche Political Action Committee
Washington, DC
March 7, 2007
696 "Get Up Out of the Mire and
Gore!" Pt. 1
Debra Freeman: Event moderator
Lyndon LaRouche: Opening Remarks
LaRouche Political Action Committee Webcast
Washington, DC
May 1, 2007
697 "Globalization
or Sovereignty: Sudan Under Attack"
Host Marcia Merry Baker
John Ukec Leuth Ukek,
Sudanese Ambassador to the United States
Larry Freeman, EIR Africa
Paul Mourino, LaRouche Youth
Movement, Washington, DC
The LaRouche Show (a weekly internet
radio program)
June 2, 2007
698 “LaRouche Takes on BAE: World’s Biggest
Loose End,” Pt.1
Debra Freeman: Event moderator
Lyndon LaRouche: Opening Remarks
LaRouche Political Action
Committee Webcast
Washington, DC
June 21, 2007
699 “The End of the Post-FDR
Era,” Pt.1
Debra Freeman: Event moderator
Lyndon LaRouche: Opening Remarks
LaRouche Political Action
Committee Webcast
Washington, DC
July 25, 2007
700 “The End of the Post-FDR
Era,” Pt.2
Debra Freeman: Event moderator
Lyndon LaRouche: Opening Remarks (concluding 10 min.)
Discussion Session (1st
5 questions)
LaRouche Political Action
Committee Webcast
Washington, DC
July 25, 2007
701 “The End of the Post-FDR
Era,” Pt.3
Debra Freeman: Event moderator
Discussion Session with Lyndon LaRouche
LaRouche Political Action
Committee Webcast
Washington, DC
July 25, 2007
702 “LaRouche Takes on BAE:
World’s Biggest Loose End,” Pt. 2
Debra Freeman: Event moderator
Lyndon LaRouche: Conclusion of Opening Remarks & Discussion
LaRouche Political Action
Committee Webcast
Washington, DC
June 21, 2007
703 “LaRouche Takes on BAE:
World’s Biggest Loose End,” Pt. 3
Debra Freeman: Event moderator
Lyndon LaRouche: Discussion session
LaRouche Political Action
Committee Webcast
Washington, DC
June 21, 2007
704 “World Financial Crisis: Credit
vs. Monetarist Usuary”
Helga LaRouche: Opening Remarks &
Introduction of Lyndon LaRouche
Lyndon LaRouche: Keynote Address
Schiller Institute Conference
Sept. 15, 2007
705 “Save the
Debra Freeman: Event moderator
Lyndon LaRouche: Opening Remarks
LaRouche Political Action
Committee Webcast
Washington, DC
Oct. 10, 2007
706 “Save the
Debra Freeman: Event moderator
Lyndon LaRouche: Discussion Session
LaRouche Political Action
Committee Webcast
Washington, DC
Oct. 10, 2007
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