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Volume 1, Number 9, June 29, 1974
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Political Economy
Rockefeller Plans Controlled Collapse of Eurocurrency Market
International Reports
Probe Rockefeller’s Role in Italian Crisis
NATO Aims Atlanticism at Western Europe
NATO Social Controllers to Confer in Ottawa
U.N. Report
Secretary General Waldheim Confused On Fusion
ELC Confronts U.N. Sponsored Psychologists on Behavior Modification
State of Labor
Rockefeller Escalates Lock-outs and Forced Strikes
North America
Death Camp Resettlement Bill Authored by UAW
CIA “Counter-Spy” Countergang Attacks Labor Committee, Protects SLA
U.S. Labor Party to Sue FBI for Detroit Attack
CIA, FBI Harrassment Increases
British Labour Government Foisting Rockefeller Politics on Working Class
British Military Occupy Heathrow for Second Time in Six Months
British Press Pushes Military “Solution”
West Germany
Tito Pays Official Visit ... to Brandt
South Korea
South Korean Economy Staggering; Military Massing in Wings
Soviet Union
Soviets Attack Heavy Industry Blockages, Ignore United Europe Solution
Research Reports
Speer’s Nazi Construction Policies Aped by Rockefeller Supranational Faction
The Swedish Way: Rockefeller’s Northern Paradise
Swedish Conservative Leader Smells Fascist Rat
IPS Exclusive: Rockefeller-CIA Cabal’s Watergate Impeachment Conspiracy
Watergate Table of Contents
I. Exclusive! Rockefeller and CIA Set Nixon Up for Watergate
II. The Colson Revelations, the Crisis in the Judiciary Committee and the Supreme Court
III. CIA's Raskin Announces Strategy for Civilian-Military Government
IV. Bare CIA Watergate Role
V. Marchetti “Expose” Signals CIA Self-Destruct