Volume 7, Number 3, January 22, 1980



From the Editor-in-Chief

by Daniel Sneider

Editorial Comment

by Nora Hamerman

The Facts Behind Terrorism: A Kick-Off for Civil Disorders

by Jeffrey Steinberg

A Greensboro demonstration “against racism” has been arranged. Probable violence is designed to push the “civil rights movement” toward terrorism....


Carter’s Sanctions: Who Really Gets Hurt?

by Richard Freeman

After pursuing a foreign policy that most European governments quietly thought lunatic, Jimmy Carter Administration has announced a domestic embargo on grain and technology traded to the U.S.S.R. For Europe, it would be economic suicide; for the U.S.A. itself, the cost will be in the billions. It appears that only the Soviet Union won’t really be hurt.

The Embargo’s Effects

A price-tag of $15 billion.

‘This Will Dog Farmers for Years’

Exclusive interview with an American farm leader.

Carter Sends Gold Flying

by Alice Roth

Foreign Exchange: Military Crisis Suspends Dollar Dumping

by Richard Katz

Domestic Credit: War Economy Without Industry?

by Lydia Schulman

Trade Review

Business Briefs

Special Report

Will Europe Stop the Drive Toward War?

by Criton Zoakos

The Carter Administration bluff that failed, sending the Soviet Union into a “war-winning” posture, has placed the two superpowers on a confrontation course. Peace hopes have come to rest on those European powers who now evidence an independence of policy that, played through, could save the world.

The EEC Meets: The Allies Spurn Carter’s Policy

by Susan Welsh


“In This Affair, What Must Count Are National Interests...” – “Two Ways of Handling a Crisis.”

West Germany

“Political Actions Should Be Fought With Political Weapons” – “We Look to Improved Trade with the Soviet Union.”

Italy: A Pro-Carter Government May Not Last Long

by Vivian Freyre Zoakos

Japan: Ohira, Politely, Turns Down Carter’s Request

by Richard Katz

The U.S.S.R.: Washington’s ‘Outbursts’ Scorned by Soviets’ Brezhnev

by Rachel Douglas

The Brezhnev interview with Pravda and a Red Army commentary.


How Long Can Pakistan’s General Zia Last?

by Daniel Sneider

For General Ziaul Haq, military dictator of Pakistan, the events in Afghanistan are the occasion to launch a round of extortion of the Carter administration for military and economic aid. But apart from the Soviets at his doorstep, something else is at stake-more profound from Zia’s standpoint—the very survival of his regime. In a country that has overthrown two previous military regimes, Zia’s is the shakiest in a long line.

Carter Policy Turns Iran Over to the Soviet Union

by Judith Wyer

Iran, under the Shah, once represented a powerful proxy for U.S. interests. It is EIR’s evaluation that Iran will become a proxy and client-state of the Soviet Union in a matter of weeks.

The Projected Folly of U.S. Deployments in the Indian Ocean

by Uwe Parpart

The ‘Iranization’ of the Mexican Republic

by Dolia E. Pettingell

U.S.-Mexican relations are at an all-time low point, and “scenarios”

are now floating for a destabilization of the López Portillo government, and even U.S. military occupation.

International Intelligence


Will Iowa’s ‘Uncommitted’ Defeat Carter Again?

by Konstantin George

The Iowa Democratic caucus vote between Carter and Kennedy, appears very likely to vote down both, and send the majority of the state’s delegates to the national convention “uncommitted.”

A Secret Meeting Plots the ‘Carter Doctrine’

by Barbara Dreyfuss

The best and the brightest all got together over breakfast at the White House to chart a U.S. response to the Soviet action in Afghanistan. What they proposed–as a “Carter Doctrine”–would be laughable, were it not certain to provoke the U.S.S.R.

The Bones in Bush’s Closet

by George Canning

A secret society–Yale’s blueblood “Skull and Bones” cult–controls the personal destiny of a GOP presidential candidate.

‘Darling of the British Commonwealth’

Congressional Calendar

by Barbara Dreyfuss and Susan Kokinda

National News
