by Daniel Sneider
by Nora Hamerman
Friedman and race-science.
by Alice Roth
There’s no way Carter can manage the mammoth budget deficit unless Paul Volcker can somehow lay hands on the petrodollar surpluses of the oil producers. All kinds of schemes are afoot, primarily Volcker’s interest-rate warfare against America’s allies in Europe. But as French President Giscard knows, Europe can use its gold to secure petrodollars for Third World development.
by Lydia Schulman
The bottomless government market?
by Peter Rush
Who’ll lend to the LDCs?
by Leif Johnson
An evil experiment in steel.
by Alice Roth
Looking to hard commodity options.
by Richard Katz
A Gamble with Japan and OPEC.
by David Goldman
The most dangerous thing about the way Carter’s advisors are driving up the rate of inflation is that they haven’t the slightest idea of what inflation really is.
by Konstantin George
The Trilateral Commission became the leading issue in the New Hampshire primary, and the result was that Ronald Reagan and Lyndon LaRouche proved themselves to be the best vote-getters around, in fact. Accordingly, the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations, as they try to cover up the fraud against LaRouche on the Democratic side, face two problems: how to stop Reagan, and how to stop LaRouche from determining the next primary election.
by L. Wolfe
by L. Wolfe
by Vin Berg
The “Great Poll Checking Compromise” – The Official Returns – The Real Democratic Vote.
by Dennis Small
The preponderance of evidence suggests that the seizure of embassy hostages in Bogotá, Colombia was an inside job of Colombian military intelligence and Jesuit forces working with UN-related “One World” forces. The intended outcome is major damage to the notion that nation-states are sovereign entities. The actual outcome could be world war.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
by Dennis Small and Cynthia Rush
UN Interview with Robert Woetzel – What Happens Next at the Embassy? – “This Could Happen in At Least 30 Countries.”
by Thierry Le Marc (Thierry Lalevée)
Giscard d’Estaing is now touring the Persian Gulf oil states, and is in the process of pulling off a major diplomatic coup d’état. Bearing peace and offers of development, Giscard is succeeding in convincing the sheiks that their future lies in playing the “French card”–and that could save peace and the world economy.
by Edith Hassman
by Barbara Dreyfuss and Susan Kokinda
A synfuels compromise, mandatory Federal Reserve membership, more demands for budget cuts, and a rubber stamp of Louisiana vote fraud.