Volume 7, Number 11, March 18, 1980



From the Editor-in-Chief

by Daniel Sneider


by Nora Hamerman

The nation-state revived.

Energy Insider

by William Engdahl

The truth about Soviet oil.


Carter’s Economic Plan: No Good, or Worse

by Richard Freeman

Jimmy Carter announces budget cuts and an anti-inflation battle at the same time that he sends interest rates, defense spending and energy prices sky high. Interest rate increases feed inflation, and add billions to the federal budget. Defense spending feeds inflation and adds billions to the federal budget. Energy price increases feed inflation and... Everything Jimmy Carter proposes seems designed to produce the opposite ... and does.

International Credit

by Peter Rush

The ‘ruinous’ LDC debt situation.

Domestic Credit

by Lydia Schulman

Elderly on the firing line.


by Susan B. Cohn

Water for development.


by Alice Roth

Gold becomes a campaign issue.

Foreign Exchange

Trade Review

Business Briefs

Special Report

Energy Conservation: Building Inflation into the Economy

by Uwe Parpart and David Goldman

Although a certain manner of assembling monetary statistics could convince a fool that “economic growth” is occurring, the surest indicator that the productive base of the U.S. economy is disintegrating is the inflation rate. That inflation reflects not simply speculative monetary flows, but rapidly falling rates of energy consumption per capita. All that would be necessary to build hyperinflation into the economy’s very structure is a far-reaching program of “energy conservation.”

The Relationship Between Energy, Inflation and Productivity

by David Goldman and Dr. John Schoonover

The Quality of U.S. Capital Investment

by Lydia Schulman


Giscard’s Mideast trip: A Way Out of the Mess

by Philip Golub and Vin Berg

Before Giscard d’Estaing’s tour of the Persian Gulf nations was even half over, international corridors of power were reverberating with the slogan: “France has inherited the Gulf.” The Arab world had watched in stunned anger as the Carter administration reversed itself on an earlier UN vote condemning Israeli West Bank settlements. Then, the French President appeared, in Arab capital after Arab capital, with a program that could succeed even in the world’s most volatile region: proposals for peace, based on proposals for economic development.

The French Press Hails the French President

Saudi Arabia’s $250 Billion Growth Plan

by Robert Dreyfuss

Includes the text of the “Pan-Arab Charter” proposed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on Feb. 8.

Schmidt’s Visit: Encounter with the Incalculable

by Rainier Apel

Italy: Vance Visits ‘With a Pistol in His Briefcase’

by Umberto Pascali and Kathy Stevens

U.S.S.R.: Soviets Slam U.S. ‘Financial Oligarchy’

New Times: “A Secret Bilderberg Club” – Kommunist: “The CFR Is the Imperialist Citadel.”

The Iran Crew Targets Mexican Industrialization

by Dolia Pettingell and Cecilia Soto de Estevez

To prevent such a new “Japan” to the south, they’re planning a new “Iran” to the south – PEN Club Meet: “Mexico Is Much Worse than the Nazis Were” – Mexico’s “Ayatollahs”: A “Widely Respected” Band of Intellectual Kooks – Falk: “High Technology Is Very Threatening to Mexico” – Clark: “Mexico Reminds Me of Iran under the Shah” – A National Plan: Steel Sets the Pace for Mexico’s Industrial Growth.

Falk’s ‘Human Rights’ Assault Plan

International Intelligence


President Carter’s Foreign Policy Debacles

by Criton Zoakos

Only a few months ago, the boys down at the Council on foreign Relations had everything in place to produce a major foreign policy embarrassment for Jimmy Carter, paving the way fora 1980 GOP strongman of their choosing. The scenario fell apart, but nobody doubts that foreign policy embarrassments are multiplying daily. The CFR crew had planned to throw the ship’s captain overboard; instead, the ship itself is sinking, fast.

Campaign 1980: Will the Real John Anderson Please Sit Down!

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Congressional Calendar

by Barbara Dreyfuss and Susan Kokinda

National News
