by Robert Dreyfuss
The Israeli connection.
by Josefina Menendez
Communists back church power play.
by Barbara Dreyfuss and Susan Kokinda
by David Goldman
OPEC leaders have decided to invest in Europe’s industrial productivity through direct equity holdings, instead of rolling over Western debt. This looks like “reindustrialization” on a grand scale.
by Leif Johnson
by Renée Sigerson
BP moves into minerals marketing.
by Alice Roth
A Soviet-South African deal?
by Lydia Schulman
Volcker lifts credit controls.
by Susan B. Cohen
Fact and fancy in Reagan’s script.
by Marsha Freeman
Fusion torch can create resources.
by Mary Gilbertson
An eyewitness report from the AAAS meeting.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Contributing editor Lyndon H. LaRouche analysis how history, and rational economics, show that innovation expands the employment base, while stagnation kills it.
by David Goldman
Friedman’s price and money supply theory have little to do with the slash-and-burn policies he recommends is the Hapsburg old boys’ network of former Nazis who promoted him, and who now may have to give the Nobel prizewinner a pink slip.
Friedman’s Nazi Economics: Turning Inflation Inward
Setting up Nixon for August 1971 — The Case of Chile — The Case of Israel.
by Susan Welsh
Alongside an unprecedented emphasis on joint Franco-German military resources, the French President’s summit meeting with Chancellor Helmut Schmidt outlined the political and economic superpower potential of Europe.
Documentation: Excerpts from Giscard’s Frankfurter Rundschau interview and Schmidt’s Le Figaro interview, and Schmidt’s toast to Brezhnev.
by Daniel Sneider
As seen by Peking, Washington, Moscow, and Hanoi.
by Tim Rush
Hispanic-American insurgencies, created from scratch by the Society of Jesus, are slated to destabilize both Mexico and the Southwestern United States.
Civiletti Proposes Work Cards – New York Times Backs I.D. System.
by Carlos de Hoyos
by Dolia Pettingell
by Warren Hamerman
Warren Hamerman explores the possible twists and consequences of the Council on Foreign Relations strategy for the Democratic Presidential nomination.
by Vin Berg
Democratic convention delegates will be turned into punchcards or punching bags-if the Rules Committee’s decisions stand.