by Marcia Merry
The plant pathologist with 35 years’ research experience discusses the outbreak of citrus canker in Florida.
by Thierry Lalevée
Moscow, Teheran in Anti-U.S. Offensive.
by Susan Maitra
From Frying Pan to Fire and Back.
by Thierry Lalevée
Whither the Assads?
by Josefina Menéndez
Can Moctezuma Brewery Take Revenge?
by Aurora Borealis
Emperor Palme’s New Clothes.
by Phocion
The Cyprus Dossier.
Look who’s pushing drugs!
by David Goldman
The White House has turned economic policy over to the supra- nationalism of Kissinger and friends, meaning that at some early point, we face political explosion in Ibero-America, uncontrollable capital outflows, and Russian domination of Europe. Economics Editor David Goldman and EIR’s Washington Bureau report.
Documentation: Speeches of Kissinger and Reagan; the World Bank Africa report; and a laugh on De Larosière.
by Valerie Rush
Documentation: Venezuelan President Lusinchi’s warning: “A hanging man can’t pay his debts.”
by Marcia Merry
by David Goldman
Propping the Dollar.
by Paul Gallagher
U.S. “beam weapons” experts have submitted reports summarizing their progress through mid-1984, demonstrating dramatically the near-term potential for the whole range of ABM defense capabilities. A report by the Fusion Energy Foundation’s Executive Director, Paul Gallagher.
Documentation: The OTA Report Is “Riddled with Errors” — Reality Refutes Lies of Anti-Beam Lobby.
by Göran Haglund
One thousand persons from 20 countries gathered at its two-day conference, as the institute fast becomes the magnet drawing patriotic supporters of the Western alliance together. Göran Haglund reports from Wiesbaden, West Germany.
Documentation: The conference resolution.
by Vice-Admiral (ret.) Karl Adolf Zenker
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Examines a White House policy he frankly calls “nuts.”
by Thierry Lalevée
by Filippo Ciccanti
On the biannual event which shapes the movies to reshape Western culture.
by Garance Upham Phau
Someone should knock him out of his tree.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
What was important about the Gromyko meeting wasn’t even a topic of discussion there. It’s the “inside-outside” job by which the President is being conned into selling the store.
Documentation: Statements by Kissinger, Reagan, and Gromyko.
He was lying, cheating, and committing fraud in Vietnam almost as much as he is today. His subordinates tell the story in sworn affidavits.
by M.T. Upharson
The Man Everyone Hates the Most — “The Worst Dog There Is”.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
All Eyes on Texas — Fiasco in Dallas — Manatt Brings in the $.
by Ronald Kokinda and Susan Kokinda