Volume 12, Number 1, January 1, 1985


Special Report

1985: The Year of the Oligarchy’s Endgame

by Criton Zoakos

Some of the most critical strategic political developments of 1984 were shaped largely by the ideas, programs, and principles of EIR and its founder, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. This, Editor-in-Chief Criton Zoakos reports, has thrown certain oligarchical gentlemen into a rage.

LaRouche’s Television Campaign Generated a Political Shockwave

by Warren J. Hamerman

Which Reagan Administration Will Rule the United States in 1985?

by Nancy Spannaus

1984 Foreign Diplomacy of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

The Ogarkov Plan: Major Soviet Advances Toward World Domination

by Rachel Douglas

A Year of Non-Stop Military Exercises

by Konstantin George


‘Pragmatic’ Concessions to IMF May Kill Debtor Nations

by Vin Berg

They nearly took action to force joint renegotiation of their debts, but in the end, allowed themselves to be divided once again.

How U.S. Currency Policy Helped the Soviets in 1984

A chronology of the major developments on the currency and capital markets.

The Kra Canal: LaRouche’s Plan for Pacific Development

by Linda de Hoyos

The LaRouche-Riemann Model: There Is an Alternative to MAD-ness in Economic Policy

by Christopher White

During 1984, the LaRouche-Riemann model was used for a series of studies of the U.S. economy, pointing the way to what has to be done.

Make 1985 the Year of Development for the Starving Continent of Africa

by Christopher White

Farm Bankruptcies, Production Cuts Will Mean Food Shortages in 1985

by Marcia Merry

A survey of the year’s devastation in agriculture.

The Year in Medicine: Breakthroughs in Science, but Breakdown in Policy

by John Grauerholz, M.D.

Looks at new discoveries—and new diseases.


The Story of the Schiller Institute

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

By the founder and chairman of the institution which is rapidly becoming a mass movement for the Inalienable Rights of Man.

Western Europe: Alliance Hanging on, Despite Pressures

by Vivian Freyre Zoakos

Given the forces which sought to break Europe from the United States, the alliance’s survival is almost startling in hindsight.

Russia Goes Back to Imperial Diplomacy

by Criton Zoakos

Moscow’s “new style” is akin to the old court of Catherine the Great, with strong echoes of Nesselrode, Shuvarov, and Gorchakov.

The Greens: Stormtroopers Show Their True Colors

by Susan Welsh

EIR called them Nazis years ago; this year, the Greens finally began to say it themselves.

The Oligarchies of East and West Declare War against Nations of Asia

by Linda de Hoyos

Almost without exception, Asian nations are endangered by foreign-run separatist and opposition insurgencies, or outright Soviet military pressure.

The Year of Derivative Assassinations

by Paul Goldstein

A “phase-change” has occurred in the pattern of assassinations and terrorist deployments.

Efforts by U.S. Allies Put Mideast Peace Policy in Washington’s Reach

by Thierry Lalevée

Egypt’s Mubarak was the key, but the Administration will not have long in 1985 to make good on allies’ trust.

South American Governments Unite against Common Foe: the Drug Trade

by Valerie Rush

The largest drug busts in history were carried out.

Gnostics, Kooks, and Narco-Terrorists Get a Bloody Nose in Ibero-America

by Valerie Rush

EIR provided much of the information which led to the banning of a killer cult in one nation, and investigations of others.

Central America: Will Kissinger’s War Plan Prevail?

by Cynthia Rush

Its purpose is to unleash enough chaos in Central America to justify American troops’ redeployment out of Europe.

Vatican Renews Fight for Western values

by Augustinus


U.S. Election Mandates Mutually Assured Survival

by Charles B. Stevens and Carol White

A look at the year’s decisive shift away from the policy of Mutually Assured Destruction.

Scientific Breakthroughs of 1984 in Beam Defense

Three Groups Contend for Democratic Leadership after Mondale Debacle

by Mel Klenetsky

The battle for control of the party is between the Harriman wing and the LaRouche Democrats.

Publishing: Lifting the Veil from the Oligarchy

by Vin Berg

A review of three books published by the New Benjamin Franklin House.
