by David Goldman
A review of Jacques Attali’s A Man of Influence: The Extraordinary Career of S.G. Warburg.
by Linda Everett
Reviews Life-Sustaining Technologies and the Elderly, a report issued by the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment.
by Carol White
Crash development of laser defense weapons and associated directed energy technologies can provide the “science driver” needed by the whole economy.
by Rainer Apel
New Approaches to the Debt Question.
by Galliano Maria Speri
Venice Seeks Soviet-Italian Ventures.
by Hugo López Ochoa
Labor’s Ultimatum.
by Valerie Rush
Extradition, a First Step...
by Lorenzo Carrasco
The Presidential Race.
by Göran Haglund
The Foreign Ministry Does It Again.
by Susan Maitra
Soviet Premier in Town.
Naturally, the Culprits in the Congress Exonerated Themselves.
by Christopher White
Transactions by bookkeepers, in different government departments, help keep the nation “growing” at a pace which will permit the Administration to claim that its projected growth rate for the year as a whole, 3.2%, has been met.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
by Peter Rush
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
The deepening international financial collapse should be seen as creating precisely those special circumstances under which the most profound advances in applied military science may be more likely to occur, than at any time during the past 40 years.
by Michael Liebig
The Soviets are orienting their strategic planning to weapon systems “based on new physical principles.”
There are desperate efforts to “learn to live with” the sell-out of Europe in the outlined armscontrol agreement between Reagan and Gorbachov, but they are all based on suppositions that are factually absurd.
by Konstantin George
The monthly International Affairs finally decided to publish a letter from last April.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
by Webster G. Tarpley
The fight around the arms-control treaty is demolishing what is left of the President’s “old guard” of political backers. What kind of political combination could now stop ratification of the disastrous treaty in the Senate?
by Dolia Estévez-Pettingell
by Herbert Quinde
by Ira Liebowitz
by Nicholas F. Benton
The Contrast between Weinberger and Carlucci.
by Kathleen Klenetsky