by Mark Burdman
The defendant’s son indicts the U.S. Office of Special Investigations in the “Ivan the Terrible” show-trial, and the outrageous nature of the Israeli court proceedings.
by Gretchen Small
Reviews Dealing with Drugs: Consequences of Government Control, by the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, Ronald Hamowy, ed.
by Warren J. Hamerman
Looks at Clouds of Secrecy: The Army’s Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas, by Leonard A. Cole; The Killing Winds: The Menace of Biological Warfare, by Jeanne McDermott; and No Fire, No Thunder: The Threat of Chemical Biological Weapons, by Sean Murphy, Alastair Hay, and Steven Rose.
by Rachel Douglas
Reviews M.V. Frunze, Military Theorist, by Col. Gen. Makhmut Akhmetovich Gareev.
by Hugo López Ochoa
Laguna Verde, Hostage.
by Silvia Palacios
Papal Endorsement of the Moratorium.
by Rainer Apel
The Encyclical vs. the “New Age.”
by Peter Rush
A Call for Surrender.
First To Go—Reagan or Gorbachov?
by Christopher White
It would prevent the 1988 fall in the oil price from pulling down whole chunks of the banking system, held up until now by inflated real estate and other paper collateralized against non-existent oil revenues.
by Poul Rasmussen
The difference being that the U.S. economy has been much more poorly managed.
by Gretchen Small
If Noriega goes, the country would become Robert Vesco’s dream, the Hong Kong of the Caribbean.
by Mary McCourt
And it’s trying to face those consequences with more malthusianism.
by Carol White
The Papal Encyclical Sollictudo Rei Socialis, published on Feb. 18, 1988, is a major statement by the Pope on the rights of man in the modern period. It is meant to address a situation in which whole sections of the globe have been scheduled for destruction, by oligarchical financial institutions which put the “sanctity” of their power literally before the most basic rights of all men to feed their families and provide a future for their children, and their children’s children. An introduction by Carol White.
by Konstantin George and Rachel Douglas
Gorbachov himself gave the marching orders for Moscow’s war economy mobilization: “Perestroika is work, work, and more work.”
by Muriel Mirak
by Peter Rush
by Valerie Rush
by Carlos Méndez and Valerie Rush
by George Gregory
by Christine Schier
by Thierry Lalevée
by Joseph Brewda
A confidential memo to the attorney general from E. Robert Wallach, his lawyer and crony, reveals some startling things about the workings of the U.S. Justice Department. Is Meese an asset of the Israeli Mossad or worse?
by Nicholas F. Benton
The Pat Robertson Trojan Horse.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
by Webster G. Tarpley
What your senator needs to know about the missile treaty. A detailed analysis of exactly why the treaty—even assuming it could be effectively verified—undermines the paramount strategic interests of the United States.